Coconut Oil Benefits for Healthy Skin & Hair

We all know about the benefits of coconut oil, especially from those glossy pages in health magazines, swearing by its powers of beauty and well-being. However, there is a reason that coconut oil has always been a favorite among health fanatics and celebrities. It certainly does make you glow in all the right places!

Not only is it a very healthy ingredient in your diet, but it possesses beneficial properties that will show on your outside as well. For decades, the advantages of applying coconut oil to skin or hair have been the sexy secret of many a beauty. Here’s why: Coconut oil is brimming with antioxidants and is rich in fatty acids. Just like any oil, it serves to protect the skin from harmful elements, preserving its youthfulness and substance. With its antibacterial properties that aid in combating dermatitis and other skin irritants, it is sure to fight allergies and even thinning hair.

Therefore, it is no surprise that it is the most cost-effective and organic way to add to your beauty regime or even just correcting that complexion that has been wanting.

Top 10 Beauty Perks of Coconut Oil

Let us have a look at these top ten benefits of using coconut oil for healthy skin and hair.

1. Healthy Scalp, Healthy Hair

Because of its richness in Vitamin E and lauric acid, coconut oil applied and massaged into the scalp has a fantastic effect on overall hair growth and conditioning. That is what your scalp needs – a conditioner. Because of the abovementioned nutrients, coconut oil combats dry skin on the head, directly responsible for things like dandruff and stimulation of oil glands that stimulate the hair follicles.

2. Moisturizer

Similar to the scalp, our bodies benefit significantly from a good coconut oil rub-down. The concentration of oil glands in our body differs from that of our face, which means that coconut oil is a better moisturizer for our bodies. The waxy nature of it, along with Vitamin E, makes for a super barrier to maintain moisture and repel harmful free radicals that cause breakouts and dry skin.

3. Sunburn Remedy

Oh yes, we all know that agony! When you expose your skin to too much sun, it dehydrates to an unhealthy level under attack by ultraviolet rays. This dehydration activates the body’s natural defense mechanisms, but once these are overwhelmed, a toxic reaction causes the painful sunburn we all dread. Still, the love for sunshine or the beach sometimes overrides our warning system, and we get sunburned anyway.

When this happens, coconut oil is especially beneficial to alleviate that sunburn with a bit of oatmeal mixed in for an application.

4. Fight the Cellulite

Although we do not expect those ugly uneven bumps to disappear by the use of some coconut oil magically, we can advise that applying it vigorously on problem areas can significantly enhance metabolism on a cellular level. This enhancement will optimize detoxing and hydrating the lipid layers of the skin with its potent omega-3 fatty acids. Not to mention using it as a lip balm for daily protection.

5. Makeup Remover

Yes. Coconut oil is a secret ingredient used by many celebrities in their beauty routine, because of the heavy application of make up their skins have to endure every day. Even those resistant, waterproof mascaras melt away upon the use of coconut oil as a facial oil cleanser.

6. Hair Growth

For those of us suffering from thinning hair for whatever reason, coconut oil is a godsend. Not only is it affordable and safe, but it also helps hair grow and thicken out. The lauric acid present in coconut oil is especially useful when massaged into the scalp, stimulating blood flow to the roots of the hair, where it promotes hair growth.

Do pay attention to combine a proper diet of omega fats, flaxseeds, green tea, and pumpkin along with your coconut oil treatment, as these nutritious foods can help stimulate hair growth from the inside.

7. Hair Sun Damage

Just as our skins can become damaged by harmful ultraviolet exposure, so can our hair. Especially if you are out in the fresh air all day, your scalp and hair are likely to be battered by this unseen attack. As we have mentioned before, coconut is a natural sunscreen that forms a barrier to protect your hair as much as your body. It has an SPF of 8.

For best protection, apply your coconut oil and leave it in your hair before going out for a day out in the sun. Not only will it keep your locks from breaking and being dull and brittle, but the nutrition might even improve on your current hair conditioner.

8. Banishing Dandruff

Any oily treatment should assist in countering dry scalp, the predominant cause of dandruff, but we have a specific method for you to try if you are tired of dusting off your shoulders.

Essential oils are used for a lot of purposes these days. Choose your favorite essential oil for the sake of substance and scent, and mix five drops with two teaspoons of coconut oil. Massage this mixture into your scalp, from neck to forehead and cover with a shower cap.

Sitting in the sun for about half an hour with your shower cap will increase the heat of the mixture. Repeating this little anti-dandruff ritual a few times should show significant improvement, if not complete riddance of dandruff.

9. Detangling

You don’t have to be Rapunzel to struggle to detangle your hair. Even thin or shorter hair can present a chore of knots and tangles, which causes breakage and ultimately also makes for those hideous split ends that only a pair of scissors will solve. Fret not. Coconut oil can improve your hair’s break strength by enveloping the hair shaft and easing the task of detangling considerably.

TIP: Use a wide-tooth comb, start at the ends, and work your way up to the scalp.

10. Under-Eye Care

Sometimes it is not just overuse of make-up or too much coffee that gives us those unsightly dry under-eye skin. Sometimes factors such as cold weather or aging can cause the delicate skin under the eyes to wrinkle and dehydrate. Although many hydrating creams line the shelves, coconut oil is a quick and effective treatment for a safe and organic approach. Just apply some coconut oil by using your fingertip and dabbing it on gently for a better complexion. You will not be sorry.

Have Healthy Skin & Hair with Coconut Oil

Regular use of coconut oil on your skin and hair should display favorable changes in under six weeks. Make a habit of it and enjoy the benefits of anti-aging, sun protection, and cost-effective coconut oil.