10 Herbal Remedies to Promote Hair Growth

What is Hair Loss or Thinning?

Contrary to what people think, hair loss is not limited to men. Many women also suffer the condition as well. It is caused by various factors that cover a broad spectrum, such as:

  • Poor diet
  • Anemia
  • Thyroid issues
  • Menopause
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hair dyes
  • Heat treatments like curling irons
  • Hereditary

Hair loss or thinning in many begins to occur naturally in the middle to late life, leaving many with problematic bald spots that a lot of people find socially embarrassing.

Especially in a world where the hair is an essential part of how we look or represent ourselves, our tastes, and our style, it is difficult to deal with thinning. We are always under pressure to look good, and most people feel that their locks play a pivotal role here, leading to low self-esteem or a non-existent social life. Others, though, use their balding as a fashion statement, but not all of us can afford that look.

How to Boost Your Hair Growth?

However, if you are not one of those who flaunt the Kojak look as a matter of fashion, there is hope! There are many natural remedies to aid you in getting those tresses thicker and longer by using simple herbal treatments. If you prefer not to use harmful chemical products or resort to medical treatment, here are some herbal remedies you might want to try.

Top 10 Herbal Home Remedies to Advance Hair Growth

1. Peppermint

Peppermint oil has been used for many different treatments, apart from flavoring. It is known to promote blood circulation and stimulates the hair follicles to encourage growth. Blood circulation is vital for feeding the hair and improving the quality of the shaft.

2. Aloe Vera

Already known for its skin rejuvenating qualities (for instance as burn treatment), aloe vera is an active component in hair growth. Its effects on the skin and scalp instantly revive adequate blood flow. Aloe Vera can apply aloe vera gel directly to the scalp several times a week. Additionally, there are combinations you can use to optimize its efficiency. Mixing aloe vera with coconut oil makes for an excellent hair treatment, both for growth and great condition.

3. Ginko Biloba

Ginko Biloba is an excellent supplement to assist in good memory, but it is also a hair growth stimulant of note. Many people use it only for hair growth because it corrects deficiencies in the hair follicles. Not only does it jog the brain, but it serves the scalp that covers it too!

4. Saw Palmetto

Where hair loss happens because of hormones, such as the hormonal changes during menopause or male pattern balding at middle-age, herbs like saw palmetto is an excellent treatment to use. It prevents the hormonal sources of baldness and thinning hair, balancing these to correct the effects of hormone changes. Used in combination with stinging nettle, for instance, is even more useful.

5. Stinging Nettle

The star of the show, stinging nettle, is known as the best herbal treatment for hair growth. For optimal results, take this herb as a supplement to assure its potency as a hormone fighting compound that will avert hormone-based hair thinning. Alternatively, you can use it as an oil to apply to your scalp and massaging it in. Just use a cup of olive oil, add stinging nettle leaves to it and cover it tightly. Leave this mixture to set for three weeks and then cover your scalp with the oil. Regular use should show improvement within weeks.

6. Ginseng

This Chinese herb is used mostly for stimulating the nervous system, so it is no surprise that it is suitable for promoting brain stimulus responsible for blood circulation and ultimately, hair growth. It explains why a lot of herbal shampoos and tinctures contain ginseng.

7. Horsetail

Prevalent in most conditioners, this herb is an excellent proponent of strengthening bones, nails, and hair in general because of the silica present in it. Horsetail makes hair less brittle, which means you get to keep what you already have before even adding to it. It’s a little incentive for using horsetail’s powerful strengthening facility. Therefore, it is an excellent choice as an herbal treatment in combating thinning in all ages and across genders. To be taken as a supplement.

8. Rosemary

This versatile herb can delay greying as well as help you fill in that growing bald spot. Used with an olive oil blend, you can apply it directly to your scalp to feed those hair follicles everything they need to perform well. Above all, it has unique proficiency in moisturizing skin, therefore countering flaky skin that might cause dandruff as well. Studies have shown that using rosemary on mice blocked excess testosterone production, which allowed improvement in the condition and growth of the hair.

9. Lavender

Good old lavender is the grand dame of herbs. It is well known to calm the nerves and smells divine in your home. Not only does it combat headaches and stress-related ailments, but its oil is potent as a hair growth stimulant. After all, stress is one of the biggest, yet least expected, causes of hair loss. Daily use of lavender oil is ideal for quickly nipping that hair thinning problem in the bud, and if used in combination with any of the other herbs mentioned here, it presents even better potency.

10. Burdock

Not very well known, burdock is an excellent source of fatty acids, a compound crucial in developing new follicles and aiding in hair growth. How does it work? Well, burdock’s fatty acids do not just stop balding in its tracks but reverse the thinning of hair with its added ability to increase blood flow to the scalp. It is also a herb you can mix with olive oil and apply to your scalp.

Home Remedies Can Help Hair Growth

Nature provides us with more than adequate herbs to combat most ailments and problems, from the inside to the outside. Using herbs, even in conjunction, has significant beneficial properties if we allow it to help us. Balding for any reason should not be something to split hairs over. Get yours and love those locks!