10 Home Remedies for Allergies and Sinus Relief

In the case of allergies, prevention is better than cure. The first rule for chronic allergy sufferers is usually to try to avoid certain foods, places, or fabrics that can induce an allergic reaction. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple.

Usually, discussing it with your doctor will get you the necessary medication or advice you might need to keep your allergies in check. However, if for some reason, you seek answers outside of the medical profession, you might want to have a look at some suggested home remedies that might help you. Irritated sinuses are always an uncomfortable symptom people wish to avoid most.

What Home Remedies Will Fight Allergies?

Here are the top ten home solutions to combat the sniffles and find sinus relief.

1. Saline Nasal Irrigation

Studies have shown that saline nasal irrigation benefitted both children and adults with allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever. What is it? It is a saline solution that is known for alleviating dehydration and clearing the sinuses. It is a mixture of salt and water, but since regular saline solution contains 0.9 percent sodium chloride (salt), it is structurally similar to the sodium concentration in tears and also in blood. Saline solution is also sometimes referred to as physiological or isotonic saline.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that optimize gut flora health. You can obtain sources of probiotics easily from your local grocer. Foods like yogurt, traditional buttermilk, or fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi, all contain healthy amounts of probiotics.

The reason probiotics help with sinus-related allergies, is because these good bacteria interact with the immune system, which modifies the natural course of allergies on the nasal passages and other parts, so the body affected. Scientists are not sure exactly how probiotics influence the immune system. Nevertheless, several studies have shown a significant alleviation of symptoms on patients suffering from allergic rhinitis.

3. Stinging Nettle

Many healing practitioners advise that the natural antihistamine in stinging nettle is an excellent remedy for allergies related to sinus discomfort. Stinging nettle is a plant subspecies of the nettle order (not all of them sting!) that is prevalent all over the world and is well known by hikers, for one.

Stinging nettle’s leaf, especially when brewed as tea, reduces the symptoms of hay fever. The leaf acts as an anti-inflammatory which relieves symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose.

4. Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers

ACs and dehumidifiers might sound more like a DIY solution for a home improvement site, but it is one of the most direct forms of allergy induction we encounter today. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers tend to remove moisture from the air, which can limit the growth of mold that could counter allergens. Just like probiotics, sometimes we need organisms we usually think negatively of, because not all organisms of the same kind are necessarily harmful. In this case, we need the mildew and mold that could avert allergens from entering our nasal passages.

5. Honey

Let’s face it, no substantial medical evidence alludes to the successful use of honey as a local anti-allergenic, but still, it remains a sound theory many people swear by. According to this opinion, eating honey made by bees in your local area should lower your allergic reaction to the similarly geographically sensitive pollen that typically causes hay fever and itching.

6. Essential Oils

If you happen to have these in your home, you will be happy to know that they have anti-inflammatory properties among all of their other benefits. Particularly, peppermint essential oil has shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis because of its anti-inflammatory potency.

Along with the properties of peppermint, some say that frankincense essential oils possess anti-inflammatory effects in bronchitis, which causes sinus infections by inflaming the oral and nasal airways.

7. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural bioflavonoid. Along with being a potent anti-oxidant, it assists in stabilizing mast cells to keep them from releasing histamine. Ideally, healers suggest you start taking it about 4-6 weeks before allergy season. This proactive step will help to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever and other reactions.

Natural foods like broccoli, cauliflower, and green tea contain quercetin. Also, stock up on your citrus fruits for good measure. They are rich in anti-inflammatory quercetin as well!

8. Vitamin C

Once again we have a potent anti-histamine in the form of Vitamin C. Natural healers usually suggest you take 2000 mg of Vitamin C every day for optimal efficacy. If you think Vitamin C is highest in citrus, you might want to have a bunch of strawberries as well. These fruits are abundant in the vitamin.

9. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is present in a lot of ointments. Often in oral medications meant to open the nasal passages and chest, and there is a good reason for that. It is an antimicrobial agent that can help with sinus relief. It also works as an avert allergic reaction if you add it to each load of laundry during allergy season.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Ah, our old friend apple cider vinegar proves to be yet another remedy for yet another malady. Let us explain how it helps relieve the sinuses and combat most allergenic problems. Apple cider vinegar is known to help break up mucus. It also supports lymphatic drainage to get rid of all those toxins we host.

Most natural healing professionals claim that apple cider vinegar also boosts the immune system, which already assists in avoiding the more strong allergic reactions we suffer.

The usual recommendation indicates that you should mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with lemon juice in a glass of water. Drink this three times a day. See, there we have the citrus potency at work again.

Fight Allergies with Home Remedies

After listing these items, you should be able to effectively deal with the itchy eyes, sniffles, and sneezes that accompany allergies. With so many home remedies to help us fight or relieve the symptoms of seasonal or more permanent allergies, it is easy to keep your allergies at bay.