Health Advantages of Eating Avocados

There are very few people in the world who deny the greatness of avocados, from facemasks to spreading on toast – add a little pepper, and it is one of the most delightful snacks. What so many people do not know is exactly how good this superfood is for your overall health.

Avocados contain so many different types of nutrients that it’s hard to pinpoint one thing that they may be best for amongst a whole list of other aspects of your body they benefit. One can reap the benefits of avocado not only by adding them to your diet but also by adding it to your skincare regime.

What are the Benefits of Eating Avocados?

Here are the top ten health advantages of consuming avocados for your mind and body.

1. A Powerhouse of Nutrients

Avocados contain an almost ridiculous amount of nutrients, including:

  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin E
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6

Avocados also contain 160 calories, 15 grams of healthy fats, and 2 grams of protein per serving, which means that adding avocados to your diet while you are hitting the gym, trying to build muscle, would be a much wiser decision than turning to chemical supplements. The healthy fats will also aid the building of clean bulk muscle. Yes, avocados contain 9 grams of carbs, but 7 of those carbs are fiber, making the net content of fat in an avocado 2 grams of carbs. It is also very low in cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat, making it a low fat snack when eaten just like that.

2. High Levels of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

Avocados contain high levels of Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA), which are very special, and very healthy type of fat. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids are found only in things like avocados, olive oil, and nuts. The reason these fats are so special is due to their fantastic health benefits for weight loss, reducing inflammation, and lowering your risk of heart disease. These benefits make avocado a better option for your fat intake, and the monounsaturated fats make olive oil a better choice for cooking. Monosaturated fats make up more than 75% of the fat found in an avocado pear, giving it very little space for unhealthy fats and toxins.

3. Improves Nutritional Absorption

Some foods contain fat-soluble nutrients; this means that they need to be chemically bound with certain types of fat to be absorbed and broken down properly by the body. These fats are in avocados, which means that when you add avocados to your meals, it will help your body absorb the nutrients from the rest of the foods you’re pairing it with better. Better absorption of nutrients means you get the most out of the food you eat. Eventually, your body won’t need to take in as much food for the same nutritional value, and that will keep you feeling fit and feeling lighter on your feet.

4. Can Help Protect Your Eyesight

Even though avocados help your body absorb other nutrients like vital antioxidants, they are rich in their antioxidants. These are known as the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin – these antioxidants are majorly responsible for the protection of your eyes from things like cataracts and macular deterioration. Keeping a healthy level of these antioxidants in your system will protect your eyes from these defects over time, saving you from going blind too, even later in life. Senior citizens who frequently eat avocados and often have through the course of their lives have shown better eyesight and overall eye health. It’s antioxidant properties also make it a fantastic facemask, over your eyes, and the rest of your face and neck.

5. High In Fiber

It is a very well known fact that fiber is an absolute must for good digestive health as it feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut to promote proper digestion and prevent the risk of more severe things like stomach ulcers. The right level of fiber in your diet will also get rid of toxins that might have been left behind in your system. Cleaning out these toxins will ensure the protection of your digestive system from harmful toxins.

6. Lower Risk of Cholesterol

A very high percentage of the world’s population struggles with heart disease, from the very faint to the chronic cases. Studies have shown that eating avocado can do the following:

  • Lower LDL Cholesterol by 22%
  • Increase the levels of “good cholesterol” (HDL) by up to 11%
  • Reduce overall cholesterol levels dramatically
  • Reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20%

By keeping these levels stable, we reduce our risk of heart disease significantly. It is important to remember that a big part of heart disease is genetic, so although avocados might have a significant impact on these factors, it cannot be a sole cure or method of prevention for people who have it genetically.

7. Can Make You Smarter

Along with all of the nutrients we have explored up to this point, avocados are significantly high in omega-3 fatty acids, and natural, raw vitamin E – both of these are known to have tremendous benefits on the brain. These compounds also dramatically improve the blood flow to your prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, and critical thinking. These are all essential functions for the brain to stay healthy in. Eating avocados will make sure of it.

8. Helps Relieve Symptoms of Arthritis

With the high levels of PFAs (Polyhydroxylated Fatty Alcohols), avocados are a potent anti-inflammatory agent that can relieve joint pain and other symptoms of Arthritis. Avocado pears are also very rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, both powerful antioxidants that can also drastically reduce inflammation and the symptoms of Arthritis.

9. Rich In Potassium

Potassium is challenging to get from a regular diet, apart from bananas, and those can make one feel quite uncomfortable after one too many. Studies have shown that avocados contain more potassium than a banana.

10. Beneficial For Pregnant Women

Avocados are an excellent source of folate, which is an essential nutrient for a baby’s development and growth. Having proper levels of folate may reduce the risk of premature births and congenital disabilities.

Avocados – The Exceptional Fruit

Avocados are naturally nutrient-dense food, full of incredible health benefits for your mind and body. Also, know as the alligator pear or butter fruit, avocados are can be added to almost any snack or meal. They are in salads to smoothies and even brownies. Avocados will add a boost of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to anything you eat.