10 Natural Ways to Soothe Harsh Sunburn Pain

With summer’s temptations and the fun of socializing, we often forget that having a good time must take some measure of precaution. One of the most important lessons we learn for having a good time on the beach or at the pool is the sting of sunburn at the worst of times.

Even when we wear sunscreen, we sometimes neglect to remember to reapply it throughout the day and still end up with that sensitive red skin. With health risks like skin cancer, it is crucial to take your sun protection seriously, even on cloudy days.

Sunburn occurs when your skin exposes your skin to the ultraviolet rays of the sun for a prolonged time. This attack on your skin activates your body’s defense mechanisms and yields a toxic reaction that results in your skin dehydrating and the nerve endings becoming inflamed. Fortunately, especially for those of us with naturally sensitive skin, there are several natural remedies to help you relieve the sting of sunburn and its related conditions.

Top 10 Natural Treatments to Ease Sunburn Pain

1. Aloe Vera

Probably the most popular of all, aloe vera is well known for its soothing properties. There are many aloe creams for sale in the store, but you can also invest in your aloe vera plant to use in case of sunburn.

With its ability to reduce swelling by fighting skin inflammation, the aloe vera plant is an excellent way to treat mild burns. You can slice off one of the aloe vera leaves and rub the gel gently over the affected area. Repeat this several times a day to heal the skin and remove the brunt of the pain.

2. Oatmeal

Not only is oatmeal a great breakfast, but its benefits reach further into exterior use as well. Especially for a full-body sunburn, oatmeal is an incredible treatment. With its powdery nature and inflammatory properties, it does wonder to soothe irritated skin and reduce that unbearable itch (which also makes it suitable for insect bites).

Two methods by which you can use oatmeal for your sunburn:

  • In a Bath: A lukewarm bath with a cup of ground oats can afford you 20 minutes of relief, and you can repeat more than once a day.
  • As a Paste: Grind a ½ cup of oats in your blender with a ¼ cup of milk and a few tablespoons of honey to create a soothing paste to apply to the sunburned area. Leave it on for about 20 minutes.

3. Cucumbers

With the agony of sunburn, you want to be cool as a cucumber. Not only are cucumbers delicious in summer dishes, but you can use a few slices to rub o your sore skin to alleviate the inflammatory irritation while cooling you down as well. Chilled cucumber feels the best.

4. Dairy

Skim milk, sour cream or yogurt make for a potent natural lotion because of its fatty base, but it also contains protein and can restore the pH balance of your damaged skin. Take note to apply these as cold as you like, because this will aid in restricting the blood vessels while reducing any swelling.

A good tip is to drench gauze or cloth in a mix of equal parts water, milk, and ice cubes and applying it to the painful skin for five minutes. Again, feel free to repeat as many times as necessary.

5. Coconut Oil

Another trusted method of reducing flaking and soothing the burn of sun damage is good old coconut oil. Well known for its moisturizing properties, coconut oil is also an anti-inflammatory. Give it a day or so from the initial sunburn and then use plain organic coconut oil on the affected areas.

As a precautionary measure, you can also mix coconut oil with your sunscreen before you embark on your day outside. This mixture will optimize protection and give your skin a beautiful glow.

6. Vinegar

White vinegar and apple cider vinegar are proven treatments for sunburn pain. Not only does vinegar’s acidity act as an antiseptic that keeps your burns from getting infected, but it also reduces inflammation. A good tip is to mix apple cider vinegar with water in a spray bottle to mist the skin every few hours for itching, pain relief and some necessary cooling down.

7. Baking Soda

You must restore your skin’s original pH balance before healing of the sunburned skin can begin. Finding the balance is where baking soda is essential. While repairing your skin’s pH, it also soothes the sting. Just add a few spoonfuls to a bowl of water and soak some cotton balls in it to apply to your skin.

8. Potatoes

That is correct – veggies for your sore skin.

The starchy consistency of potatoes makes for an effective barrier on the skin that significantly reduces itching and soothes the pain. Either rub slices of potato on your sunburned skin, or you can make a paste in your blender and apply it accordingly.

9. Tea

Specifically potent for their tannic acid contents, certain herbal teas are excellent methods of treating sunburned skin. Black and green teas work well by brewing about seven bags in a pot of water and applying the cooled down tea to the skin with a towel. Apply for about 30 minutes to allow the tea to penetrate your skin. For burns to your face, use the bags from the pot to put on your eyes or other affected areas of your face.

10. Tomatoes

Believe it or not, but tomatoes can benefit your sunshine experience in two ways. Slices of tomato to the skin have a soothing quality, but eating enough tomatoes will help protect your skin against harmful ultraviolet rays. A good preventative measure!

Comfort Harsh Sunburn Pain Naturally

With so many natural remedies against sunburn, it is still good advice to try to prevent it as much as we can. Repeated exposure could lead to skin cancer. Above all, it is imperative to hydrate adequately before venturing out into the sun, no matter what the season. Proper hydration is a specific precaution against the initial damage from prolonged exposure, so keep that water bottle handy!