10 Powerful Health Benefits of Parsley

What Nutrients are in Parsley?

Parsley is far more than just a herb or a culinary decoration. It is packed full of nutrients that our bodies make use of every day.

Rich in many vitamins, especially vitamin K, for blood clotting and bone health. Also, Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, both with antioxidant properties.

A 1/2 cup (30 grams) of fresh, chopped Parsley provides the following nutrition:

  • Calories: 11 calories
  • Carbs: 2 grams
  • Fat: less than 1 gram
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Vitamin A: 108% RDI
  • Folate: 11% RDI
  • Vitamin C: 53% RDI
  • Potassium: 4% RDI
  • Vitamin K: 547% RDI

(RDI = Reference Daily Intake)

10 Incredible Health Benefits of Parsley

1. Can Reduce Risk of Certain Cancers

Parsley contains a flavonoid called apigenin that plays a significant role in fighting cancer and is also known to contain strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to being a potent anti-inflammatory and known to fight skin, breast, prostate and digestive tract cancer, Parsley is also a well known antioxidant.

2. Helps Fight Arthritis

There is a volatile oil found in Parsley called eugenol. This oil is responsible for Parsley’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is not only useful for ingesting; it can also be strained and used on wounds or injuries to help with swelling and sensitivity. The eugenol oil found in Parsley is hugely beneficial, specifically, to pain and swelling of the joints caused by arthritis, significantly suppressing the swelling over a short time.

3. Keeps Your Blood Vessels Healthy

Parsley contains high levels of folic acid, a B Vitamin that we know to be important for making new red blood cells and protecting us from the over-production of homocysteine, a naturally occurring amino acid produced by the body but harmful to our blood vessels in large amounts. By reducing the production of this amino acid and protecting the excellent condition of our blood vessels, the folic acid in Parsley drastically reduces our risk of heart disease and stroke.

4. Very Rich In Antioxidants

Letting harmful toxins sit in the body for too long can be very dangerous over a prolonged time, luckily adding Parsley to your diet can make sure that your body is adequately free of toxins and free radicals. Parsley encourages carbohydrate metabolism, and thanks to the high levels of zeaxanthin, this powerhouse herb also massively benefits the effects of macular deterioration, a disease of the eyes caused by aging. Parsley also contains two other potent antioxidants, vitamin C and beta carotene – both of which help our bodies fight against diseases like colon cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and atherosclerosis.

5. Supports Strong Bones

With Parsley’s high levels of vitamin K, it keeps bones healthy and prevents calcium build-up in our muscle tissue. More important, this herb is rich in bone-healthy apigenin, a flavonoid that promotes osteoblast growth and collagen in the cells of your bones, making them stronger and denser. When your bones have a thicker density, it reduces your risk of breaking bones or your bones becoming brittle. Of course, with all of these factors, your risk of developing osteoporosis reduces drastically over time.

6. Helps Get Rid of Gallstones

Gallstones can be a harrowing experience for anyone, and passing one is a complete nightmare. When cholesterol and bile acids from our stomach hardens in the gallbladder, it makes gallstones. Parsley is very high in oxalic acid, which is known to help with the dissolving of gallstones before you have to go through the painful experience of passing them whole. Not only does it get rid of gallstones, but it also promotes the health of your kidneys for recovery.

7. Helps Fight The Skin’s Signs of Aging

As we get older, we get wrinkles and lines in our skin due to the reduced production of collagen when we reach that age. Parsley is full of vitamin C, so eating or drinking it as a tea or as a juice can have considerable benefits in the way of skincare. It is a well-known fact that vitamin C promotes the production of natural collagen in the skin. When our collagen production increases, the chances of getting wrinkles will reduce.

8. Aids in Digestion

Adding Parsley to your dish as a herb or even just for flavor might help your body digest your food better afterward. This aid is because it contains compounds that promote gas expulsion from the body. This release means that it also prevents bloating and soothes stomach aches by getting rid of the gas that might cause sharp pains through the abdomen when they get stuck in your colon.

9. Combats Bladder Infections

Parsley helps fight off things like bladder infections and UTIs (urinary tract infections). This aid is because of Parsley’s ability to promotes specific muscle contractions in the intestine, bladder, and uterus, which helps it work out the discomfort that might be causing any pain within the body. These contractions also assist with other ailments like indigestion and menstrual cramps.

10. Detox and Shed Water Weight

Parsley is a natural diuretic and furthermore elevates the metabolism. Both of these actions help to decrease water retention and bloating without draining the body of potassium. Parsley also aids in leveling blood sugar, which helps with long-term weight stability. Parsley is a natural detox that is safe for your body.

Recipe for Detoxing Parsley Shake

Making a Parsley smoothie is an excellent way to boost your metabolism, shed some water weight, and clear your body of toxins. Recipe makes two ample servings.


  • 2 cups parsley, chopped
  • 2 cups cucumber, chopped
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 celery stick
  • ¼ tsp ginger powder
  • 2 cups spring water


  • Blend all ingredients in a blender on high until smooth.

Add Parsley to Everyday Life

Parsley is the essential herb served all around the world from basic to sophisticated dishes, in diners and fancy restaurants alike. It’s full of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Parsley is an incredible addition to any recipe and will add fantastic health benefits to your life.