12 Spectacular Health Benefits of Ginger

What is Ginger?

Apart from being a well-loved ingredient in everything from soup to smoothies, ginger has a plethora of health advantages that put this root at the top of most healthy grocery lists. Not just a delightful spice, it is also a reliable choice for home remedies because of its medicinal properties.

Ginger is a plant that originates from China and is related to equally beneficial cousins, turmeric, and cardamon — used as a traditional medicine for ages. It is best known for combating forms of digestive discomfort such as nausea. Another advantage of ginger is its use in a myriad of ways and methods – fresh, powdered, as oil or juice. Sometimes it is even present in cosmetics.

Top 12 Health Perks of Ginger

However, there are specific traits in ginger that makes it a popular choice for promoting health in general. Here are twelve health benefits that might pleasantly surprise you.

1. Cancer-Fighting Gingerol

Gingerol is the component present in ginger, the spice that lends its unique fragrance and flavor to foods. It is a natural oil, and it is a bioactive compound that gives ginger its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities. The latter is why ginger is so suitable for alternative medicinal use. Ginger is even prevalent in avoiding or treating several forms of cancer. Large amounts of the substance 6-gingerol are in raw ginger, which has been discovered to have anti-cancer properties.

2. Reduced Blood Sugar

Ginger can help regulate blood sugar, which is pivotal in the treatment of diabetes and pre-diabetes, among others. It is a common suggestion among medical professionals that ginger supplementation could work to reduce fasting blood sugar, helping you stay healthy.

3. Combats Period Pain

Ginger root’s anti-inflammatory components are known to be a useful pain reliever. Since ginger is known for soothing digestive problems, it has also been found to be a powerful alleviator of menstrual cramps. Medical experts have likened the power of ginger on the effects of paracetamol.

4. Fight the Infections

A potent anti-fungal and antimicrobial compound, ginger is even a mighty cold and flu fighter, although it does not claim to cure a common cold. A tea with a brew of lemon juice, some honey, and freshly grated ginger can do wonders for inflammation and viral threats, upping your immune system considerably.

5. Curbing Arthritis

Many people suffer from osteoarthritis, especially with the onset of age. The joints of the body grow stiff and are prone to joint pain that can sometimes be debilitating.

Studies on people with knee injuries have shown that those who used ginger extract eventually required substantially less generic pain medication.

Also, to use as a compress directly to an especially swollen or sore joint. It can be applied topically, using a mixture of ground ginger, sesame oil (sometimes olive oil as well), and cinnamon.

6. Lessens Heart Risk

A large number of modern cultures suffer from obesity, which leads directly to the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and strokes. High cholesterol is a significant component of this threat, and since ginger effectively reduces lipoproteins, it is a powerful ingredient in fighting prospective heart risks. Adding some ginger to omega-3 rich foods and olive oil makes for good dietary improvement. Add in some antioxidant greens, and you have a winning combination of digestive health and reduced cholesterol risks.

7. Brain Function

Usually, we are so concerned with the more mentioned maladies like heart disease and diabetes, that we overlook other severe medical conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, degenerative diseases born from impaired brain function.

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory components even have a plan of action against the toils of brain degeneration.

8. Good Digestion

Indigestion can sometimes get as painful as a heart attack, and many of us can attest to that. People who suffer from stomach ulcers, IBS and heartburn, are prone to endure the agony of gastritis or the odd ulcer attack ad it is no laughing matter. Ginger is already known for settling the stomach and promoting quick digestion and fighting nausea, but it is also an excellent combatant against the inflammation of the stomach lining. Use it after an indulgent meal to keep that bloating and gas at bay, as well.

9. Treating Muscle Soreness

Like with most tissue-related aches and pains, the culprit is usually inflammation. Muscular discomfort and soreness are no different. During exercise or even just mundane tasks, the muscle tissue suffers little tears that cause inflammation. It is this inflammation that causes the soreness after a hefty workout, but usually, the body recovers with adequate sleep and protein delivery.

However, sometimes, the muscle soreness is intensified because of the amount of inflammation, and this is where ginger is a wonder remedy. When applied to the muscle in question, it will relieve the stiffness and pain over a short time.

10. Cradle of Macronutrients

Ginger is called a “superfood,” and there is a good reason for this. Aside from all its medicinal properties and uses as a topical compress, this phytonutrient contains an array of other potent minerals, such as Zinc, Chromium, Magnesium, and Potassium.

Collectively, these nutrients cover a broad spectrum of beneficial roles, like bone density, tissue repair, blood circulation, proper growth, reproductive, and metabolic health.

The point of this assessment is that we can use ginger to maintain comparable content of nutrients we usually only gather by using several sources.

11. Antibacterial

The antibacterial properties of the gingerol present in ginger have potent effects on bacterial infections, including dental and soft-tissue diseases.

12. Turning Back the Clock

Nobody can claim that they do not dread the onset of old age or even those first few wrinkles. Many expensive anti-aging creams will boast the term ‘antioxidant,’ but they hardly tell us more. Even those of us who can afford those pricey face creams could still benefit from the powerful antioxidants in ginger.

Research suggests that antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals, such as UV ray damage from sun exposure, which accelerate the breakdown of collagen in the skin. Now, the antioxidant potency of ginger can assist your skin’s collagen production, which will boost skin elasticity and complexion.

The Power of Ginger

These benefits of ginger cover a large area of essential health as well as fighting conditions that are already prevalent in most of us. The bottom line is that this humble root is a combined source of overall health, and it is easy to incorporate in our daily lives.