7 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an excellent Indian herb that gives curry. It’s robust taste and color. However, when used correctly, it can be much, much more than that. Like many other herbs and spices, it is known to cure and treat a vast variety of ailments ranging from skin problems to brain function. Turmeric contains the bioactive compound Curcumin, one of many in the Curcuminoids family. This compound is what gives turmeric it’s powerful effects on the body. Additionally, when paired with black pepper can be absorbed easier. Here are seven great benefits of turmeric on our bodies and overall health.

What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

Here are seven fabulous health perks of turmeric.

1. Works as an Anti-Inflammatory

Turmeric has been known to treat chronic inflammation in your organs, muscle tissue, tendons, and most importantly, in your joints. Many of us live with joint pain almost every day without even paying attention to it anymore – it’s imperative to keep one’s joints healthy to stay as active as you can. Adding 200mg – 500mg of turmeric to your meal can significantly benefit the whole family. Not to mention that it is also known to be quite a potent antioxidant. It keeps our insides clean and clear from unhealthy toxins that can lead to other illnesses.

2. Boosts Brain Function

Curcumin drastically boots cognitive function by promoting the production of the growth hormone BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Decreased levels of this hormone can result in mental illnesses like depression and Alzheimers. Turmeric canimprove memory retention and aids with learning. With these levels raised, curcumin can quite literally make you smarter over time by promoting the production, growth, and sustaining of neurons in the brain. Not only does it boost cognitive function but also keeps our moods stable. It does this by regulating the brain’s production of serotonin and lowering levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. Keeping healthy serotonin levels can also reduce depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Overall, this is one of the best supplements for the mental health of almost any type.

3. Vital for the Health of Your Arteries

One of the most significant turmeric benefits is its ability to protect the lining of your blood vessels and arteries, keeping it healthy and free from damage. This benefit will naturally lead to decreasing the risk of more serious diseases. Conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and blood clotting. By preventing blood from clotting, turmeric keeps blood flow uninterrupted and decreasing the risk of excessive blood pressure and in turn, keeping your heart healthy and pumping vigorously. More often than not, there is a chain reaction of ailments that could be prevented by merely treating the first problem.

4. Fighting Cancer

Among other amazing effects of curcumin, studies have also shown that it is mighty fighting and treating cancer. Turmeric reduces the risk of new blood cells growing in cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. It can additionally stop cancer cells from growing and spreading to other parts of the body. It is always best to try to do this as soon as one can as it can get quite impossible to manage after cancer cells have spread too far. Though studies have shown turmeric’s progress in the field of combating cancer cells and their growth, there is yet to be definitive proof that it could be used medically in the future for this purpose instead of chemical treatments.

5. Can Be Very Useful in Treating Arthritis

Due to turmeric’s potent anti-inflammatory properties, it can drastically decrease the risk and effects of Arthritis. Some people who have rheumatoid arthritis have said that turmeric or natural curcumin supplements are more effective than Arthritis medication. In addition to arthritis, these anti-inflammatory properties also treat the effects of osteoarthritis. Turmeric is used in Asian and Indian medicines to fight, treat, and prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis, they have found that it blocks inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, including cyclooxygenase -2. This enzyme, along with a few others, promotes inflammation in any part of the body; meaning that the risk becomes lower for chronic inflammation.

6. Natural Antidepressant

One of the worst things about medication, although helpful, it has side effects. Even more so with antidepressant medicines as it can make some people feel worse than they did before, can make them gain weight, give them nightmares or not work. Luckily, with turmeric’s potent effects on cognitive function and memory retention, it is no surprise that it is also a powerful and effective antidepressant supplement and an excellent substitute for chemical medication. This effect happens by curcumin promoting the production of serotonin and dopamine when released these chemicals ultimately make us feel happier and more energized. Like when you exercise, serotonin and dopamine are also released – leaving one feeling more content and more confidence.

7. Promotes the Health of Hair and Skin

It is fairly evident by looking at the Indian and the Asian population that turmeric is exceptionally beneficial to the condition of one’s hair and skin. Due to the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying properties of the curcumin in turmeric, it detoxifies the body from lingering toxins, oils, and bacteria that can cause acne and bad skin. Also, it works wonders for other severe skin conditions like Eczema and rosacea – reducing dryness, red spots, and blemishes. Turmeric balances the moisture in our skin, keeping a healthy balance between locking the moisture into our skin and not letting it bad enough to cause acne break out.

Turmeric is Amazing

It is clear that turmeric is way more than just a spice or a herb. It has the potential to be a powerful medicine that could lead to the future of natural medication against severe ailments and diseases that we suffer from today.