7 Essential Oils To Help Battle Insomnia

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils used in aromatherapy have been a common remedy used for ages as a more gentle and viable medication for insomnia. Unlike universal treatments, essential oils are safe for all ages.

These wonderful scents are called ‘essential oils’ because they’re from a plethora of healing plants and flowers, and therefore carry the ‘essence’ of the particular plant’s fragrance. Primarily using the steam method, you can also extract essential oils through other distillation processes. Solvent extraction, simple oil extraction, wax embedding, resin trapping, expression, and cold pressing are some of the distillation methods used, but let us leave the complicated processes to the experts and concentrate on the benefits, apart from a pleasant scent in your house.

What is Insomnia?

We have all encountered that miserable shadow at the foot of our bed at night. The rolling around, the racing mind, inability to fall asleep, inability to remain asleep, and soon we find ourselves in a vicious circle of unpredictable sleep patterns.

Typically, this loss of nighttime rest leaves us fatigued during the day with low energy and even depression. Our moods become as erratic as our sleep cycles. We turn into a mess, unable to focus on the most mundane daily tasks.

Unfortunately, insomnia is more than just one or two nights of sleeplessness. It is a condition that troubles most people in the modern world daily. Sadly, for many people, it can last for much longer. It becomes a living nightmare, so to speak, of tiredness and mood swings.

What are the Top Essential Oils to Combat Insomnia?

Here are aromatherapy’s top seven essential oils to assist you in your battle with insomnia:

1. Lavender

Starting with what is probably the most popular essential oil for sound sleep, lavender is usually the biggest recommendation by aromatherapists everywhere, because lavender has a soothing scent associated with relaxation, a natural remedy against anxiety or stress. Studies have shown that lavender is so efficient in fighting anxiety that it is often an alternative for depression.

Another benefit of this pretty purple flower is its capacity for pain relief. One study showed that aromatherapy using lavender oil reduced a need for generic pain medication in a group of children who had their tonsils removed. This fact is not surprising, given its sedative effects. Another reason why lavender is the most popular essential oil for those who wish to improve sleep quality.

2. Sandalwood

Sandalwood’s robust, earthy odor is not only therapeutic for calming the nerves, but it also has an enjoyable tinge of fall forest about it that lifts the spirits. Sandalwood has a very long history of remedying tension and bringing about relaxation, which is something any insomniac would appreciate. Directly reducing wakefulness, Sandalwood had been proven to increase amounts of non-REM sleep.

3. Vanilla

Some essential oils are more potent when it comes to psychological upliftment because the chemicals in the plant oil have direct connotations with specific brain activity, such as the memory of dreams.

Vanilla is not only a delicious flavor in your favorite ice cream or cupcake. As an essential oil used in aromatherapy, it holds a powerful mental sedative that can reduce hyperactivity and restlessness. Vanilla works with the central nervous system, which all insomniacs need to control if they wish to calm the mind enough for a good night’s sleep. Ever wonder why smelling freshly baked cookies make you so happy? Vanilla glee, that’s why.

4. Citrus

When we talk about citrus, of course, we refer to several kinds of fruit and not just oranges. However, the Bergamot orange has been shown to relieve anxiety and improve sleep. Lemon, on the other hand, is so good at relieving mental tension that it is also a good counter-agent for depression.

However, citrus, like Sandalwood, has different effects on different people. Some people do not benefit from its properties as much as others do, so this group of essential oils might prove to be a more subjective treatment for insomnia. For instance, some people might find that citrus scents help them falls asleep while others find it more relaxing than sleep-inducing. Although both are positive effects, citrus might now be as potent in fighting actual insomnia for some who use it.

5. Jasmine

Not only are these blossoms beautiful to look at, but their trademark sweet scent instantly makes any room smell like heaven. Jasmine is known for having exceptional sleep-promoting qualities. It not only improves relaxation, but it has a unique way of boosting the quality of sleep.

Another exciting thing about Jasmine is that, during the day, it can also increase alertness and focus, because of its alleviation of anxiety. A 2002 study showed that Jasmine is almost more potent than lavender in achieving adequate sleep.

6. Frankincense

The unique scent of frankincense is not only calming for healthy sleep but imbues the mind with an aroma said to balance the emotions in such a way that rest comes from the calm mind and not just from relaxing accurately. Many people praise this essential oil for its ability to help shut off those racing thoughts that keep us from falling asleep.

7. Cedarwood

Not only is cedarwood good for sleep, but it is very kind to your pocket as well. A very affordable essential oil, cedarwood supports the proper function of the pineal gland, responsible for releasing melatonin, our sleep hormones. This essential oil, however, has a unique, rich smell that might be an acquired taste. However, should you wish to reduce its woody scent, you can always mix this oil with another, such as citrus or lavender.

Essential Oils to Improve Insomnia Symptoms

Using essential oils is beneficial for your whole family and gentle on those who might suffer allergies. With all the different scents out there, it is easy to find the one best for your insomnia. Do this by merely experimenting what works for you and your unique mind/body association. There are no concrete rules to the uses of essential oils, and they are as individual as you are. It’s easy. Pick your favorites and off you go to slumberland!