Herbs to Boost your Endurance at the Gym

I know what you’re thinking – how could herbs boost fitness strength and endurance at the gym? They’re… plants. What can they do? You’re not going to rub a leaf on your muscles, and they will instantly get stronger.

Well, don’t jump too quickly into conclusions. If you only drank protein shakes, a protein-rich diet, and hard-core exercises to boost your muscle mass and improve your physique. You should also know that herbal supplements have an essential place in athletes’ training lately.

Herbs have their properties and qualities and can help us in many health-related situations, but they can also boost our game in the gym. My, oh, my! Who would have thought? Yes, herbs can improve our physical strength, endurance, and stamina.

Herbs are the world’s oldest supplements. Before protein powders, creatine, and BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) even existed, herbs were used to treat, heal, and fuel up warriors, gladiators, fighters, and whole armies. They would have laughed at a “vanilla-flavored protein shake” back then in ancient times.

So, let me tell you what real warrior and fighters had to boost their strength and endurance in long wars and battles.

Top 7 Herbs to Build your Strength & Endurance at the Gym

1. Green Tea

“Come on,” I hear your saying… “Green tea? For real? I do not have my 5 o’clock tea with mint chocolate and biscuits. I’m a gym-fighter, fitness warrior, and heavy lifter.”

Hold your power horses!

Green tea is not only drunk for pleasure. It has many, many scientific proven properties. Green tea boost metabolism rate reduces inflammation in the body, fights free radicals due to its antioxidants, and it burns fats faster.

Due to the high caffeine and theobromine content, it increases physical and mental strength and endurance without the side effects of coffee.

2. Ashwagandha

Another adaptogen herb, Ashwagandha, balances hormones and improves your reaction to stress. During intense workouts, cortisol (the stress hormone) production increases, preventing fat burn. It also lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

The word Ashwagandha means “the smell of a horse” in old Sanskrit, and so, when you consume it, they say that you get the power, strength, and endurance of a stallion.

If we’re already talking about horsepower, let’s mention that Ashwagandha also boosts libido in men.

Another benefit is that it increases oxygen intake that gives your muscles more energy, proving your body a more extended peak performance during a workout. At the same it, it gives you sound, peaceful, resting sleep at night.

3. Eleuthero

Also known as Siberian Ginseng, Eleuthero is another adaptogen herb that gives you tonus, energy, increased strength, and enhanced physical and mental performance and endurance.

It increases tolerance to stress and breaks down the lactic acid that causes muscle pain. Eleuthero also contains high amounts of vitamin C and magnesium that stimulate the immunity system and adrenal glands for a plus of energy, reduced fatigue, and adaptability to stress.

4. Maca

Lepidium Meyeni is a plant from Peru, the high peaks of Andes mountains, in a harsh environment when this amazing herb strives. Its fleshy root contains high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and it is regarded both as food and medicinal herb.

A fantastic adaptogen herb, Maca root increases strength, stamina, endurance, and stress tolerance. Maca also has anabolic properties, meaning that it increases muscle mass and strength. After an intense workout at the gym, it reduces inflammation and speeds up muscle recovery.

It also gives you balanced energy, no hype here. Due to its iodine content, it balances hormones naturally. Maca root reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, and it stimulates brain activity. Research has discovered that maca stimulates specifically the hypothalamus and pituitary areas in the brain and so it helps increase focus and determination.

5. Yerba Mate

Ilex paraguariensis or yerba mate has been used for centuries in South America as an energizing herbal concoction. It contains vitamins (A, Bs, C, E), minerals (like zinc, iron, etc.), caffeoyl derivatives, polyphenols (antioxidants), nine essential amino acids, and saponins (anti-inflammatory compounds).

Mate stimulates physical and mental performance, energizes the body and mind, reduces fatigue, and boosts physical strength and endurance.

Studies show that yerba mate reduces appetite and boosts metabolism rate.

6. Yohimbe

Pausinystalla Yohimbe is the bark of an African evergreen tree that contains a natural stimulant called yohimbine. It regulates mental functions, as it can both stimulate and sedate brain processes, as needed. That is why it reduces depression, anxiety, and stress, and at the same time, it uplifts the mood.

Yohimbe acts as a vasodilator and improves the blood flow to transport more oxygen and nutrients to cells, muscles, tissues, and organs. That is why it reduces high blood pressure and fatigue, boots energy levels and accelerates recovery and healing after a workout.

Yohimbine is the main compound of this herb. It aids in weight loss and blocks adrenoreceptors. These adrenoreceptors lead to a higher metabolic rate that breaks down fat faster in challenging areas of the body.

Along with increased athletic performance, Yohimbe boosts sexual performance, as well.

7. Jiaogulan

A famous herbs from South and East Asia, jiaogulan or gynostemma pentaphyllum, is cousin with cucumber. It is also known as the five-leaf ginseng, miracle grass, and fairy herb.

The first description of this herb presents it as a surviving herb. However, the local inhabitants call it “the immortality herb” for its ability to prolong life, increase vitality, boost endurance and strength, and combat mental and physical fatigue. In Chinese medicine, it is an adaptogen.

Research shows that it contains natural sugar substitutes, over 80 saponins (have in mind that ginseng contains only 28), amino acids, vitamins and minerals (selenium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus), sterols, flavonoids, chlorophyll, ginsenosides, and gypenosides.

Gynostemma boosts the central and peripheral nervous system due to its antioxidant powers. Saponins regulate immunity, endocrine system, reproductive system, brain, and nervous system.

As an adaptogen, it increases the body’s ability to respond to internal and external stress. It will stimulate the functions that need to be encouraged and slows down the tasks that need to reduce for a balanced, stress-free response from the body.

You can make blends containing these herbs, or you can use them separately. You can take them as tablets, capsules, extracts, or teas.