5 Acupressure Points to Alleviate Stress

No doubt we are enjoying hoards of benefits in this modern day world but long hours of work, relationship pressures, financial stress, pollution, and traffic woes, are all we are paying to enjoy these benefits. Unfortunately, our coping mechanisms have not evolved at the same pace which made us unequipped to deal with the stresses and pressures of this modern world. Exposing ourselves to such a high level of tensions daily leads to several physical as well as mental health problems.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive era, there is little or no outlet for us to let the stress out of our body and mind. As a result, it becomes trapped inside us in the form of negative energy that can manifest in the guise of numerous symptoms such as soreness of back, tension knots, or headaches. An alarming percentage of adults are succumbing to stress issues resulting in nervous breakdowns. To fight this grave scenario, one must have a stress management plan in place which calms the body and mind without resorting to medications.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure, the age-old Chinese method of healing, is a practice that consists of treating ailments by pressing with fingers some specific points of the body. In conventional Chinese medicine, there are energy pathways inside the human body which are called meridians. Qi or energy flows through these pathways and acupressure manipulates this Qi energy by pressing on specific pressure points to solve the ailments. Acupressure is an alternative medicine which is believed to be highly effective in dealing with the problems of tension, stress, anxiety, and nervousness.

Acupressure actives the healing mechanism of the body that leads to actions like increased blood flow and release of the ‘happy hormone’ endorphins. These actions help your body to relax and reduce the negative feelings of tension, stress, and pain. All this ultimately contributes to an improvement in the overall quality of life.

Releasing Stress with Acupressure

Briefly speaking, there are two different ways in which acupressure works. The first way is the local point acupressure under which the point that stimulates lies in the same area where you are experiencing pain. In a second way, the trigger point acupressure, the points lying in the different area of the body are stimulated to relieve the pain in some other part of the body. Both these ways focus on anatomical landmarks that are specific muscles or bones. By massaging the right anatomical markers, one can alleviate stress.

5 Acupressure Points to Alleviate Stress

Here are some common stimulation points of the human body that help to ease stress with acupressure:

1. Yong Quan

Helping to reduce anxiety, stress, and headaches, Yong Quan is the pressure point located between the second and third toe of the sole of your foot. By pressing your finger in the indented spot, you can free yourself of stress issues. It also helps you tackle insomnia problems as it induces sleep naturally. Hold down this pressure point and keep massaging continuously for a couple of minutes to experience the best results.

2. Union Valley

This pressure point is in the area between your thumb and index finger. To relieve yourself of anxiety issues, pinch this point between the thumb and index finger of your other hand while taking deep breaths to fill the air in your abdomen. This action causes stimulation of the large intestine and helps you in de-cluttering your mind of unwanted emotions like negativity.

3. Central Treasury

Located just two fingers above the area where the arm meets the chest, Central Treasury is a pressure point that aids in improved blood circulation. Improved blood circulation helps you to deal with unstable emotions and eventually calms you down. Use the tip of your index finger to press this area. Apply moderate pressure either on both sides simultaneously or on one side at a time. This action triggers your lungs to function better, thus enhancing the blood circulation.

4. Nei Guan

Measure three fingers below your wrist to locate the Nei Guan pressure point. Using the thumb of the opposite hand, apply firm pressure to this point until you start experiencing minor soreness. This action is done to interrupt the blood flow for a short period. Then, gently massage this area by moving your thumb in a circular direction. Do this turn-by-turn to each wrist and watch your feelings of anxiety and nervousness disappear! Applying pressure to the Nei Guan pressure point is also recommended to dissipate nausea.

5. Shoulder Well

Located midway between the shoulder and neck, shoulder well is the stimulation point that is directly related to tensions. To relieve your stress and ease the tension knots, apply pressure to the shoulder well with your index finger. If you believe people of ancient Chinese medicine, then massaging this point helps to remove the obstacles in the entire meridian system, thus freeing the path of Qi energy. This acupressure technique is excellent for people who over think and are highly sensitive.

Final Words

Before practicing these acupressure techniques to alleviate stress, you should be seated in a comfortable position. Try to block the negative thoughts and focus on your breath. Take deep breaths for several minutes and practice meditation to ease your body. Once you start practicing acupressure, make sure that you press your fingers firmly on the given points and then massage in a circular motion. Do not press each point for more than a couple of minutes in one go. There is no limit to when, where and how many times you can practice these techniques. You can also administer these types of massages and pressure to your loved ones to help them deal with the issues of stress and anxiety better.

Such kind of meridian stimulation has been proven to be highly effective while dealing with stress problems. Practice these techniques and see for yourself. Do not forget to add your feedback in the comments section below.