Boost Your Immunity with Cupping Therapy

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is a traditional Chinese medical practice that is believed to cure various health problems of the human body. Its core principle is that most health problems are a result of the stagnancy of blood flow and energy flow in the body. In cupping therapy, the practitioners create suction on your skin by attaching silicon or glass cups on your back. This suction pressure causes your skin to be sucked inwards into the glass, thus drawing blood to those areas and improving the flow of blood circulation in the process.

This alternating therapy performs several other functions in addition to increasing the blood flow. It also facilitates cell repair and eases muscular tension. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, cupping therapy is a scientific approach that can be a useful tool in treating numerous ailments.

Types of Cupping

There are two techniques of cupping therapy – Dry cupping and Wet cupping.

1. Dry Cupping

In dry cupping, only suction is used to create pressure and improve the blood flow.

2. Wet Cupping

While in wet cupping, along with the suction, there is moderated medicinal bleeding.

The Science Behind Cupping

The cup based on the skin creates the necessary pressure. This pressure happens because it is heated or then cooled or because of rubber pumps to help its suction. The vacuum thus formed sucks the skin inside and makes it turn red due to the changes in blood vessels. The entire cupping process lies between five to ten minutes. To make sure that the patient does not contract any infections after cupping, the practitioners cover the skin with bandages and ointment.

During the therapy, due to the suction by the cup, blood leaks out of the tissues and capillaries just below the surface of the skin resulting in the coloration and bruising of the skin inside the cups. It is done purposefully to facilitate the development of receptors on the skin that respond to the HO-1 enzyme. To explain the working of cupping therapy and its benefits for immunity, first, one must understand the role of the enzyme known as HO-1 or heme-oxygenase-1.

Role of HO-1

An essential function performed by Heme Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) is that of the removal of iron content from dead cells and reusing it into new ones. HO-1 also plays a crucial role in the protection of the liver and the reduction of inflammation in the body. In addition to these essential roles, HO-1 plays the part of an antioxidant, thus protecting the human body against any evil entities. Due to these vital functions, it plays an essential element in boosting the body’s immunity and fighting infections.

In addition to facilitating the development of receptors on the skin that respond to the HO-1 enzyme, cupping therapy also promotes the release of histamines for improving immunity. Histamine is responsible for increasing the receptiveness of the blood capillaries to White Blood cells (WBCs). WBCs make up the body’s defense mechanism and help to fight pathogens and allergens.

5 Health Advantage of Cupping Therapy

Along with boosting your immune system, cupping therapy has many other advantages, which include, but not limited to:

1. Reduction of Inflammation and Pain

Cupping therapy helps to ease pain and inflammation by releasing the tissues and cells deep inside the body and alleviating stiffness. It helps to relax the tensed muscles and stiff joints. It does this by applying suction on the pain points in the soft tissues of the body. As the blood circulation increases, the affected areas receive more oxygen, therefore helping them heal faster.

This increased blood flow is a huge benefit for athletes, but also suitable for anyone who suffers from chronic pain and inflammation.

2. Improving Skin Health

Increased blood circulation and expansion of capillaries brought about by cupping therapy helps the skin become firmer and toned, which promotes overall skin health and also solves skin problems like acne. Many celebrities resort to regular cupping therapy sessions to boost skin health. Wet cupping method is used more often for treating skin-related issues. Some practitioners first apply oil to the skin before placing the cups to generate more heat as a part of the cellulite or skin-clearing treatment.

3. Promoting Relaxation

Cupping encourages relaxation and helps to deal with the physical manifestations of mental health concerns like stress and anxiety. In these cases, cupping therapy is often combined with other types of alternative healing treatments like acupressure and acupuncture. When used concurrently with these alternative healing therapies, cupping therapy has long-lasting effects on physical and mental health. The combination together purifies the entire system.

4. Enhancing Digestion

Cupping therapy is done in areas on and around the stomach if it is being used to treat digestion-related problems. Performing cupping therapy in areas like over the bladder, around the navel, over the stomach, or around the kidneys is said to cure the body of digestive disturbances. Cupping therapy has proven to be beneficial for patients suffering from frequent stomach pains, gastrointestinal diseases, acute gastritis, diarrhea, water retention, and loss of appetite. Many practitioners believe that cupping therapy helps to the lowering of the patient’s response to stress, which can often lead to disturbances in indigestion.

5. Treating Respiratory Problems

Cupping therapy has shown to speed up the healing time for ailments of the respiratory tract. Sicknesses such as a cold or cough. It is also useful in enriching the lungs and clearing away the congestion and mucus.


Only trained and licensed professionals should be performing cupping therapy. People who are either obese or too thin should refrain from the treatment as it might cause side-effects. If you wish to try the treatment, we would recommend its use as an addition to the ongoing treatment prescribed by the doctor. Cupping therapy should not be a replacement for prescribed medication.