Combat Migraines with Acupressure

What is a Migraine?

Almost all of us might have experienced the worst type of headache at least once in our lifetime. A chronic headache can sometimes be a sign of a severe problem, i.e., migraines. Migraines just like a usual headache can be a result of stress, tension, hormonal changes, or some underlining medical conditions. Unlike some serious medical issues, treating migraines is not easy. A headache can be kissed goodbye by gulping an aspirin with a glass of water. But the solution is not the same for people suffering from migraines.

Doctors often prescribe migraine patients with a heavy dose of painkillers, which in turn can severely affect the overall health of a person. More recently, acupressure has come up as a way to deal with migraines issues. Studies have found that stimulation of active trigger points through the acupressure therapy can help reduce the incidences chronic pain. The treatment, however, does not eliminate the pain instantly; instead, it gradually decreases the intensity of the pain and works towards relaxing the tensed muscles.

Here are some of the main acupressure points that can help fight off migraines related issues:

  • Acupressure on Face: Our face has three trigger points stimulation of which can help combat migraines.
  • Third Eye Point: The third eye point is the point located between the two brows and the nose bridge, connecting the nose to the forehead. Pressing this point firmly for a minute can help ease the pain of migraines. You can either press the point or message it in a circular motion. Try the one that soothes the pain.
  • Drilling Bamboo: The drilling bamboo is the pressure point located in the inner corner of the two eyes on the bone of the nose surrounding the eyes. Gently massage the points with the tips of the fingers while applying a little pressure on the points. Stimulate each side for at least one minute.
  • Welcome Fragrance: Pressing the welcome fragrance points can help combat a headache, migraine, and sinus pain. The location of the point is at the outer side of each nostril on the bottom of the cheekbone. Deeply press the spot for a minute or message it in circulation to achieve the best possible results.
  • Acupressure on Head: Just like our face, the head also has three main points for curing migraines pains. Pressing or messaging these points can help release pain and minimize the risk of a migraine in the long run.
  • Heaven’s Pillar: The point is located on the back side of the neck and below the base of the skull. From the base of the skull slide the fingers to the position and gently massage it for one minute.
  • Feng Chi: Pressing the Feng Chi point is the best way to deal with migraines pain. The Feng Chi point is the two holes at the base of the skull. Slide your hands on the back side of the head to find the holes. Gently massage or press the holes to release tensed tissues causing migraines pain. Messaging these points for three minutes can help combat migraines pain.
  • Points along the temple region: The temple region of the face includes jaw area near the ear. Pressing these points or messaging them in a circular motion can help elevate the pain. Make sure you find the exact point before applying the pressure.
  • Wind Mansion: The wind mansion is the point located at the center of the back of the neck. The point when messaged can help fight off pain from migraines, stiff neck, sinus, and mental stress.
    While these were the two main points for applying acupressure to combat migraines, there are more points on the body that can help relax the tensed tissues and combat migraines pain. Here are some of the points that can help eliminate pain by stimulating them with either gentle message or deep pressure from the tips of the finger.
  • He Gu: He Gu is a point located on the hand. Its prime location is in the web between the thumb and the index finger. Use the left-hand fingers to apply pressure on the right side and the right-hand fingers for the left hand. Press the point firmly and with pressure for a minute.
  • Bigger Rushing: The point is on the feet between the big toe and second toe. To find the location, start from the webbing between the toes and slide back to an inch. You will be able to feel the point near the foot bones. Use the thumb to stimulate the point by either messaging in a circular motion or by pressing it.

Use Acupressure to Combat Migraines

Acupressure has come up as an effective way to combat several health issues. Migraines are just one of them. You can efficiently fight migraines, headache, and sinus pain by stimulating the right point. In case you are planning to use acupressure as a migraine pain treatment, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before stimulating any point on the body.

Before adopting the therapy as a treatment, it is essential to understand what points to press and with what intensity. The overall well-being on the body depends on the amount of pressure you put on each point while curing migraines related health issues. Some points may kick in new pain or enhance the intensity of the pain. Anytime you feel that the pain has become unbearable, leave the point and rest for a few minutes before re-starting the therapy.

Acupressure, although it involves pressure, its application should not cause pain. Additionally, it is essential to understand that there are tools and aids available for applying the right pressure. Tips of the fingers are the best aid for pressing. Knuckles, knees, feet, elbows, legs can also be used for stimulating various points. For accurate pressure, always use something blunt like the tip of the finger or a golf ball to keep things under control.