Drink Options for a Diabetic: Best and Most Dangerous

What Does it Mean to be Diabetic?

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2, Diabetes is no joke. Being Diabetic can be deadly if ignored. We should make sure that we know enough about the condition to effectively manage our diets to prevent or treat Diabetes-related problems at any level.

Diabetes is a disease that impairs the body’s ability to generate or respond to the hormone insulin. This impairment results in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and subsequently causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Which tells us one thing on a base level – watch your blood sugars. In other words, managing insulin levels means managing the amount of sugar and carbohydrates we consume.

This consumption includes drinks. Most people forget that not only food contains nutrients. Drinks also contain macronutrients and, therefore, require an equal amount of responsibility in our diets. Just because it is a drink, does not mean it does not account for your body’s daily recommended allowance of nutrients and calories.

What are Healthy Drink Options for a Diabetic?

Let’s first have a look at what beverages are preferable for someone Diabetic.

1. Water

I am keeping it simple. High blood sugar levels cause dehydration, which means that what a Diabetic drink is significant. Water is the best choice, of course, to be sure of proper hydration without influencing the effect on insulin levels. With no sugars in it, water is the safest option, as it does not affect blood sugar. Always opt for water if you are not sure because drinking water eliminates glucose much better through urination.

If plain water makes you cringe, you can always add some lemon slices to give it some flavor. Adding a tea bag of raspberry-flavored tea or some mint always makes for a more appealing drink when it comes to working on your recommended 9-13 cups of water a day.

2. Low-Fat Milk

Although milk contains healthy minerals that help the body, it does contain carbohydrates, so make sure that you do not exceed two glasses per day. Because of the carbohydrate and fat content, a Diabetic might want to opt for low-fat or skimmed milk but do take care to read the labels to ascertain the number of carbs per cup to manage the amount of lactose (dairy sugar) you consume.

Fortified nut or coconut milk is a healthy choice, but remember that soy and rice milk contain higher concentrations of carbohydrates.

3. Coffee

Listen to the cheers! So many of us love coffee, so this is good news. However, there are critical issues to keep an eye on when making your cup of java. Although coffee itself has no detrimental effect on raising blood sugar, what you add to it, does indeed. Many of us make the mistake of neglecting to keep track of the amount of sugar and milk we have along with every cup of coffee, both having considerable influence on your insulin release and elevated blood glucose.

A 2012 study declared that drinking coffee might lower your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so feel free to drink your decaf or caffeinated, as your taste dictates. Just keep it as simple as possible without adding ingredients that might elevate your calory intake.

4. Vegetable juice

The sugar content of fruit juices, especially the processed kind, have too much glucose for Diabetics, but you can opt for vegetable juice like tomato or carrot juices, for instance. Just add some leafy vegetables or cucumber to your smoothie, and there you go! A delicious alternative to fruit juice with potent nutrients as well!

5. Teas

If you are not a coffee drinker and wish to have a hot or cold beverage similar to it, tea is the obvious alternative. Especially green tea has been proven to have a positive effect on your general health as it helps reduce your blood pressure and lowers harmful LDL cholesterol levels as well. Thus, it is known to lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes with regular consumption.

As with your java brews, take note of what you add. Avoid sweeteners, but use lemon or fragrant rooibos tea to add to the flavor.

What are Toxic Drink Options for a Diabetic?

Now, let’s have a look at what drinks are unhealthy beverage choices causing people with diabetes’ blood sugar to soar.

1. Soda Drinks

Off the bat, let us start with the worst of them all. The amount of simple sugars present in everyday soda drinks makes this the biggest no-no. Avoid soda drinks, as the calories per can strike a dismal 40 grams of carbohydrates, not to mention about 150 calories of your total daily caloric requirements. On top of this, these sugary beverages will most certainly increase the risk of tooth decay in a shorter time and add on those pounds in a hurry.

2. Diet Sodas

I know what you are saying. “But what if it is sugar-free, diet soda?” No, diet sodas have another culprit working for them to taste good – sweetener.

The artificial sweeteners used in diet soda not only negatively affects the bacteria in your gut lining but increases risks of metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, weight gain and high blood sugar.)

Artificial sweeteners’ detrimental effect on the gut may increase insulin resistance, which causes and exacerbates Diabetes.

3. Energy Drinks

By now, we all know that energy drinks derive that energy from sugar. This high volume of sugar should make it evident that energy drinks are detrimental to Diabetics and Pre-Diabetics alike. These deceptively harmful beverages are high in carbohydrates and caffeine, which spikes your blood sugar like an atom bomb, a huge proponent of insulin resistance.

4. Alcohol

If the logic does not convince you, let the science do it.

By definition, an alcoholic drink contains ethanol, a type of alcohol produced by fermentation of fruits, grains, and other sources of sugar. The sugar content present, along with the caloric content of respective drinks, should be your rule of thumb before drinking.

5. Sweetened Fruit Juice

Just because it is fruit juice, it does not make it less detrimental to a Diabetic. Though fruit juice is excellent in moderation, fruit juices with artificial sweeteners can add a high amount of simple carbohydrates to your diet. The addition of simple carbohydrates could wreak havoc on those blood sugar levels.

Choose Wisely if you are a Diabetic

People with diabetes, remember, you must watch the sugars. Be mindful of carbohydrate calories along with the amount of sugar that could spike your insulin levels. If the latter happens too often, it is a surefire way to worsen Diabetes and its effects. In the long run, the devastation is not worth the risk. Choose drinks to add to your diet without sugars.