Health Benefits of Iodine Rich Foods

The human body needs many nutritional elements to function correctly, such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral responsible for a multitude of bodily functions and proper growth and development of the body. Iodine Rich foods are the best place to acquire this crucial nutrition.

Along with proper thyroid functioning and metabolism, Iodine also helps in the development of the central nervous system, immune system, and ensures bone strength and optimum utilization of calories.

This vital element assists in converting stimulating thyroid hormone (TSH) to triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The inadequacy of iodine produced by T3/T4 causes an enlarged thyroid, also known as goiter. The underproduction of hormones in the thyroid gland can cause sudden weight gain, slow metabolism, hypothyroidism, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

Why Does Your Body Need Iodine Rich Foods?

Here are six reasons why your body requires Iodine.

1. Fundamental for Metabolism and Proper Thyroid Function

Every cell in your body is dependent on your thyroid hormones for the regulation of metabolic rate. Metabolic rate ensures the proper functioning of organs and other processes like absorption of food, production of energy, and regular sleep cycle. It also prevents extra calories from being deposited as excess fats.

2. Boost to your Immune System

The immune system of our body keeps us protected from destructive elements like bacteria, viruses, and control cells. Iodine helps with healthy cells and keeps your body free from toxins. A body rich in iodine is a non-adaptive environment for these harmful pathogens to exist and make us sick. Iodine also boosts the activity of antioxidants in the body and acts as a shield against heart problems, cancer, and other deadly diseases.

3. Prevents Cancer

An interesting study revealed that the cancer cells, when injected with iodine shrink; this is due to the anti-carcinogenic nature of iodine. Cancer patients who have increased their intake of iodine have shown a decline in the cancer symptoms.

4. Protects you from Radiation

Iodine protects your eyes from the harmful UV radiations. There is an increased risk of thyroid cancer to those who are regularly out in the sun and exposed to the UV radiation. Studies have shown that if you give around 130 mg of potassium iodine to a person within 48 hours of their contact with a radioactive element, it can significantly reduce their risk of obtaining cancer.

5. Essential for Pregnant Women

Over the globe, around 18 million babies are conceived with a chance of being intellectually disabled. The reason for this sad figure is iodine deficiency in mothers and babies post-birth. Lack of iodine can lead to underdevelopment of the fetus’s thyroid with a further possibility of many congenital disabilities, a low IQ, deafness, and death (in the most extreme scenario).

6. Plays a Crucial Role in Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, there is a significant deal of iodine loss for the mothers. Through breastfeeding, mothers pass on the iodine to the baby through breast milk, and this essentially means that until your baby starts consuming solid food, he is dependent on his mother for his thyroid development.

Top 8 Iodine Rich Foods

Iodine deficiency can lead to high cholesterol, fatigue, depression, and thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, the best way to avoid insufficiency is by consuming iodine rich foods.

1. Seaweed

This plant certainly won’t be on the list of your favorite foods, but it is one of the most Iodine rich foods. Seaweed, which has tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, comes in many varieties. Kombu Kelp is known to be the seaweed with the highest amount of iodine content (2,984 mcg per gram) in comparison to other species.

2. Fish

Studies show that the fish varieties that low in fat are the most abundant sources of iodine. Codfish is one such low-fat fish which is packed with many nutrients and can provide up to 66% of the daily requirement of iodine. However, the amount of iodine content will depend on which region the fish lived. Dieticians recommend eating fish twice a week to fulfill your iodine requirements. Tuna is also an iodine rich fish, which is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids as well. It is lower in calories, and the amount of iodine content is considerably smaller than cod. However, it is full of iron, potassium, and vitamin B that lower your chances of a heart stroke.

3. Dairy

Most people think of milk as a great source of calcium and vitamin D. A cup of milk is a source of approx. 60 to 110 percent of the daily requirement of iodine. Yogurt provides half of the recommended amount of iodine. Along with milk and yogurt, cheese is enriched with iodine as well. Cheddar and mozzarella are great go-to varieties.

4. Iodized Salt

Iodine deficiency can be cured by including iodized salt in your diet. 1.5 gram of fortified iodized salt contains 70 mcg of iodine that amounts around 47% of the required daily dose. So make sure the salt in your kitchen is labeled iodized.

5. Eggs

Include eggs in your daily diet to keep your sunny side up. One egg contains 24 mcg of iodine, giving you 16% of the daily dose value of the nutrient. Majority of the iodine content is present in egg yolks.

6. Baked Potatoes

Potato skin is an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, and potassium. What’s even more good news for potato lovers is that a baked potato completes your daily dose of iodine by 40 percent.

7. Scallops

It’s time to add scallops to your grocery list. It is a somewhat less known fact that scallops are an incredible source of iodine. For every 200 grams, it helps you meet 90 percent of the daily dose. Plus, they are rich in proteins, phosphorous, and Vitamin B12.

8. Shrimps

If you love shrimps, there’s good news for you. Shrimps soak up the essential minerals from seawater and are a great source of iodine as well. Having shrimps in your diet means that you are already meeting your iodine requirement.

Eat Iodine Rich Foods to Stay Healthy

It’s simple to obtain everyday foods that are naturally full of iodine. Keep your body healthy and happy with an iodine rich diet.