Kale vs. Spinach: Who’s the Ultimate Leafy Green?

Kale vs Spinach, Which is Better for your Health?

Although these two vegetables look and seem very similar, there is a remarkable difference in nutritional value. Each have their own set of amazing benefits to the whole body. The effects both have on one’s body can be very surprising. Let’s breakdown Kale vs Spinach.

Benefits of Kale

For those gym bunnies who are looking to lose weight or get into shape, Kale is an excellent addition to your diet. As it is part of the cruciferous vegetable along with others like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, its very low in fat. This low-fat content means that you can eat as much as you need to be full but not have to worry about counting carbs with quantity. The only type of “fat” found in Kale consists of Omega-3 fatty acid called “Alpha-Linolenic Acid.” This fat promotes cognitive function, decreases the risk of heart disease, and combats the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

When our bodies hang on to toxins, it could massively affect our immune systems. These toxins will put us at a higher risk of illness, bodily dysfunctions, and diseases. Eating a healthy amount of Kale often has significant positive effects on detoxifying as it contains the antioxidants Quercetin and Kaempferol. These antioxidants will help rid the body of toxins that have been in your system for too long. These antioxidants also have a reputation for having a helping hand in reducing the risk of the development of cancer cells in early stages, helps keep blood pressure low and lowers the possibility of heart disease.

Where a lot of vegetables are rich in only a few nutrients, Kale is known to be the most nutrient-packed vegetable anyone could find on the market naturally.

Kale Contains:

  • Vitamin A, K, C and B6
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Copper

Adding Kale to your diet will help protect your body from everyday problems. For example, Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen. Collagen helps make you look younger and also clearing up decoloration or dark spots, smoothing out your complexion. Basically, with all of these nutrients combined, we have a superfood that is simultaneously an anti-viral, anti-depressant, and an anti-inflammatory supplement.

Naturally, due to Kale being very beneficial to things like blood pressure and heart disease, it is also known to improve cholesterol levels drastically. Steamed Kale is over 40% as potent as the medication Cholestyramine, chemically made to treat cholesterol. Another significant benefit is that it contains bile acid sequestrants. Our livers then don’t have to turn cholesterol and carbs into bile acids to aid with digestion, lowering the risk and effects of cholesterol drastically.

The high content of vitamin K proves very beneficial to protecting eyesight. The vitamin helps by promoting the intake of the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. This intake also helps prevent macular degeneration and decreases the risk of cataracts. Vitamin K also supports healthy blood clotting. Some medications made to lower blood pressure stop the natural production of Vitamin K, ultimately thinning the blood due to its inability to clot correctly.

Kale contains Beta-Carotene – this antioxidant can be turned into vitamin A naturally by our bodies when consumed. It also includes substances Indole-3-Carbinol and sulforaphane, these compounds, when combined, have been shown to fight the development of cancer cells on a molecular level.

Benefits of Spinach

One of the most significant benefits of Spinach is its excessively high content of vitamin K and Iron. This high content helps with muscle recovery and to strengthen bones. These factors make it a perfect substitute for dairy products for this with lactose allergies. Vitamin K also has excellent benefits for the general health of your eyes, like reducing the risk of ailments like pink eye. The high levels of iron in Spinach will help combat hair loss and if taken daily, may drastically fight and decrease the risk of anemia.

Spinach is a well-known antidote against wrinkles and bad skin, like excessive acne. It keeps one’s skin looking exceptionally youthful and dramatically decreasing and preventing future acne problems.

This powerful vegetable is rich in the compound Chlorophyll. It creates a beautiful green color in plants, fruits, and vegetables. Our bodies, however, use it as an anti-inflammatory and to detoxify from any unwanted toxins left too long. These factors also make Spinach an excellent option for when one is trying to lose weight, get into shape, or promote healthy digestion. In addition to keeping you slim, Spinach reduces excessively high levels of potassium, ultimately decreasing the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney failure.

Spinach’s essential nutrients:

  • Vitamin A – Boosts your immune system by replenishing white blood cells in the body. This process reduces one’s risk of getting sick, in general.
  • Magnesium – s Works as a potent muscle relaxer, from cramps to restless leg syndrome.
  • Zinc – Increases and aids healthy sleeping patterns.

Kale vs Spinach

There is no going wrong with either of these superfoods. Both have essential nutrients we need daily for our bodies to function like well-oiled machines. We all know that when our bodies feel good, we feel more energized, and when we feel more energized, we have a better quality of life. Keeping to a good training schedule and incorporating functional foods like Kale into your diet – you will stay younger and more active for years to come.