Chia Seeds for a Healthy Digestive System

Maybe this will sound like a shock to you, but recently, science has discovered that there is a secure connection between our digestive system and brain. We have a second brain in our gut! It turns out that there is a lot more to our gut than digestion, and that it the gut “brain” that is responsible with our mental well-being and the state of health in our body. So let’s maintain it with the help of Chia Seeds.

The Brain and Gut Connection

Our brain and gut develop from the same type of tissue, and the Vagus Nerve connects these two nervous systems – the gut-brain axis. Did you say “two nervous systems”? I hear your thinking. Yes, because the gut has 500 million neurons lining it from the esophagus to rectum – that is why it is called the enteric nervous system.

More than 30 neurotransmitters also link the gut and brain together – you know, some of them are the serotonin and dopamines that make you feel good. In a recent study, results have revealed that the body produces 90% of its serotonin in the digestive tract.

It seems that our mental and emotional health depends on the health of our gut what we eat influences our emotional and mental health and well-being.

That is why we have to take care of our digestive system and the functions of the gut like absorption of the nutrients, digestion of the food we eat, metabolism, and bowel movement. And most importantly, to be attentive to what we eat, because it influences our gut’s health, our brain’s health, and our whole body’s health as well.

8 Ways to Support a Healthy Gut with Chia Seeds

Let’s feed our other brain superfoods, so it feels super healthy. One of the greatest superfoods out there is Chia Seeds.

Chia Seeds (SalviaHispanica) have a high content of fiber, good Omega-3 fat, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and protein, and they also contain zinc, vitamin B1, B2 and B3, and potassium.

1. Happy Colon with Lots of Fiber

A healthy digestive system has a daily, regulate bowel movement. Constipation is one of the modern day problems, and it triggers a lot of other health problems in our body. An estimated 97% of the people in the USA don’t eat enough fibers, which lead to constipation, bloating, and other health problems.

Chia Seeds absorb a lot of liquid when soaked and become like gelatin. That is why it will make it pass through the intestines easily and regulate the bowel movements.

2. Prebiotics Fuel for Gut’s Flora

Just 1 oz. of Chia Seeds cover almost half of the necessary fiber you need in a day. As the fiber is a natural prebiotic that is fuel for the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Your intestinal tract contains over 100 trillion bacteria cells and 1,000 bacteria species which form your intestinal flora. They play an essential role in the digestive and immune system health.

Prebiotics role is to neutralize toxic by-products in the gut, create a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria, produce vitamins, and help gut cells grow.

3. Antioxidant Power from Inside Out

High in antioxidants, Chia Seeds make your skin look great from inside out. Antioxidants fight the free radicals in the body and prevent oxidative stress, and stimulate tissue cell regeneration. They also prevent and fight against cancer.

4. Lose Weight by Eating Satiating Chia Seeds

Due to its protein content, and to the fact that they are hydrophilic (absorb water), they are very filling. Which means that it helps you feel full, even if you eat a little, and will make you eat less, snack less in between meals, reduce cravings, and keep you slim or make you lose weight.

5. Vegetable Source of Protein for Healthy Gut

Chia Seeds contain about 14% protein and essential amino acids. A high protein meal reduces appetite and produces a feeling of satiety, decreasing by 60% obsessive thinking about food and by 50% the desire for night snacks.

They are excellent for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat animal food, and they need to source their proteins from vegetables.

6. Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s response to infections, injury, or other types of harm, and it helps your body fight back microbes and heal.

Factors that weaken your immune system and may facilitate inflammation are unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, lack of sleep, exercising, and nutrients in your diet. However, healthy foods, like Chia Seeds, may reduce the inflammation.

Chia Seeds, with its high Omega-3 content, reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels.

7. Regulates Metabolic Disorders

I’m not going to sugarcoat this: Chia Seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid and fiber which regulate the glycemic levels in the blood, fight diabetes, reduce and insulin resistance.

Also, studies reveal, Chia Seeds reduce abdominal adiposities, thus reversing metabolic abnormalities.

8. Boost Energy and Performance

Athletes use Chia Seed because they contain carbs with low calories. They help increase the glycogen storage in the muscles and liver, and thus, they increase endurance and performance during physical training and exercising.

How To Use Chia Seeds?

Chia Seeds, one of the most popular superfoods in the world, is very versatile to cook and prepare. It has a mild, nutty taste, and they are easy to make. They are so easy to prepare that you don’t even have to cook them because they have the property to absorb the water quickly (they are hydrophilic).

Chia Seeds can be used on or in almost anything:

  • In drinks like water, fresh juices, milk, smoothies, milkshakes, kefir, etc.
  • Mixed in breakfast foods like yogurt, granola, oats, pudding, fruits, etc.
  • Added to baked goods like muffins, energy bars, etc.
  • Used as a binder in all sorts of recipes.

Easy Breakfast Tip:

Pour water, yogurt, milk, or another liquid on a bowl with Chia Seeds. Leave them to soak for 30 minutes to 1 hour or even overnight. That’s it! You have a delicious, healthy meal to go.