Natural Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

What is Himalayan Salt?

Himalayan salt is a unique type of rock salt. It is from the Khewra salt mine of the Punjab region in Pakistan. The Khewra Salt Mine is at the foothills of the Salt Range in the Jhelum district of Pakistan. This salt is hand-mined from the caves in this region which lie about 5,000 feet below the ground. It is bought and sold in an unrefined form as opposed to the regular sea salt which is extracted from the sea bed and purified to make it ready for sale in a refined style.

Himalayan salt is believed to be formed billions of years ago due to the tectonic pressure, and since it was untouched till date, it is considered to be free of the pollutants and toxins of the regular salt. It can be distinguished from the regular sea salt by its striking pink color and unevenly coarse texture.

What are the Features of Himalayan Salt?

While discussing the chemical composition of Himalayan salt, it is essential to mention that Himalayan salt contains 98% of sodium chloride and two percent of elements like potassium, magnesium, calcium, vanadium, and phosphorous. The presence of essential trace metals makes Himalayan salt a healthier substitute for ordinary sea salt.

It is one of the purest and most stable forms of salt found around the globe. The colloidal form and the interconnected structure of minerals in the Himalayan salt make the absorption in the human body easier.

The pink color of the Himalayan salt is indicative of its chemical composition. Himalayan salt is naturally rich in Iodine, and its pink color is due to the presence of Iron Oxide. The processing and refining of table salt will use excessive heat, which can lead to the loss of essential trace elements. In addition to this, processing also changes the structure of Sodium Chloride, making it harder for the body to metabolize it. Thus, the body ends up using almost 2-3 times more energy to neutralize processed sea salt. All this leads to long-lasting, damaging effects on the body. As opposed to that, Himalayan salt is washed by hand and sold in its natural form. It is helping to safeguard the trace elements from any harm and making it easily absorbable.

Top 9 Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

The presence of trace elements and minerals in Himalayan salt is responsible for its beneficial properties. These health benefits make Himalayan salt more nutritious than the regular table salt. Some other natural health benefits of Himalayan salt are as follows:

1. Flushes Out Toxins from the Body

Consumption of sole water or water that is full of natural salt early in the morning helps to flush out the toxins from the body. These toxins flush due to a biochemical reaction in which the negatively charged ions of the trace minerals in the pure salt attract the positively charged ions of the toxins in the cells of the body, and transport them out of the system.

2. Promoting Healthier Blood Sugar Levels

By ensuring the proper flow of liquids in the body, Himalayan salt helps the body maintain a healthy balance of hormones like insulin. Improved levels of insulin prevent the body’s sugar levels to suddenly peak.

3. Maintaining a Healthy pH Balance in the Cells

Himalayan salt is rich in minerals as against common salt which mostly contains only Sodium Chloride. The presence of these minerals and electrolytes in Himalayan salt help maintain the acid-to-alkaline ratio in the body, thus balancing the body’s pH balance. Average pH level improves the functioning of the body’s immune system and digestive system.

4. Preventing Muscular Cramps and Spasms

The nervous system is responsible for sending and receiving signals in your body. This process of signaling is the one that is responsible for you feeling ‘pain’ due to muscular cramps. A proper balance of electrolytes like Potassium, Magnesium, and Sodium improves the communication between the parts of the nervous system, thus reducing the pain caused by muscular cramps and spasms.

5. Management of Blood Pressure Levels

Cells have a higher concentration of sodium in the outside layer and a higher concentration of Potassium inside the cell. Table salt mostly contains only Sodium Chloride. Increased levels of Sodium consumption result in more absorption of Sodium inside the cell instead of Potassium, which occurs in hampering of the functioning of the cell, which leads to increased blood pressure. Since Himalayan salt contains enough levels of Potassium to maintain higher concentration inside the cells, it results in the regulation of the blood pressure level.

6. Purifies Air

Lamps prepared from Himalayan Salt attract the moist particles in the air. Since the temperature of the surface of the lamp is high, the attracted particles of the moisture evaporate as soon as they touch the surface. With this process of evaporation, negative ions begin to form on the surface of the lamp. This collection binds to the positively charged pollutants, allergens, and toxins, thus effectively neutralizing them and purifying the air.

7. Promoting the Development of Hydroelectric Energy Cells

Majority of cells in the human body function on hydroelectric energy, which is derived by the dissolution of electrolytes in the cellular water. Since Himalayan salt contains high amounts of electrolytes like Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium. Because of this, its consumption boosts the development of hydroelectric energy cells.

8. Assisting Digestion

Himalayan salt promotes the production of digestive fluids in the pancreas and the liver. It also activates the salivary glands in the mouth cavity. Bring about the release of the enzyme Amylase, which aids in the digestion of carbs. In addition to this, Himalayan salt stimulates the enzyme that brings about the digestion of proteins as well as Hydrochloric acid. These actions collectively assist in digestion and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

9. Tackling Sinus Troubles

Himalayan salt inhalers aid in treatment to respiratory ailments such as sinus attacks. Himalayan salt contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. When inhaled, these particles travel through the respiratory tract and help cleaning the lungs and sinuses. These inhalers are also useful for the treatments of chest congestion and seasonal allergic reactions of the respiratory system.

Enjoy Himalayan Salt and Its Benefits

Unlike regular salt, one can freely enjoy eating Himalayan salt. We recommend adding a pinch of Himalayan salt to any beverages as it helps in improving hydration. However, if you are suffering from kidney-related disease, it is advised to consult with a health practitioner upon increasing the consumption of the salt.