Reduce Anxiety With A Yoga Routine

There are many moments in life when we can’t help but feel anxious and stressed over a particular thing. Be it awaiting a job interview result, or while preparing for an important exam – we all have faced anxiety at some point or the other in our lives.

It is okay to feel a bit nervous and afraid before a significant event in the ordinary course of your life. But the problem begins when this anxiety and stress start to take control of your emotions. This constant state of restlessness, worry and fear begins to distort your focus and shoots your confidence level down. You might not be aware of the situation, but this is where you fall into the dark web of anxiety. So, let us understand what anxiety is actually and how to reduce it by undergoing yoga asanas regularly.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a disorder – a state of distress, excessive uneasiness, fear, and apprehension that needs attention. It can turn into a full-blown depression if ignored for a long time.

Some people resort to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and other unhealthy mechanisms to deal with anxiety. These methods may work in the short-term by numbing your feelings but do not help in alleviating the underlying issue in the long run. Instead of specific therapies, exercise, proper nutrition, and yoga can help in relieving these symptoms.

How can Yoga Help in Alleviating Anxiety?

Practicing yoga has many benefits. It can help you lose weight, enhance the flexibility of your muscles, lower your blood pressure and improve your posture. It is a great practice that can curb anxiety too. Yoga uses specific meditation techniques to relieve stress and relax your mind. When you are refocusing the balance of your body, breathing and postures help in quieting your buzzing thoughts.

6 Yoga Poses to Decrease Anxiety

The following yoga poses can help you ease anxiety and restore your calm:

1. The Seated Forward Bend Pose or Paschimottanasana

This asana relaxes the mind and provides relief against stress and anxiety. Particularly useful for new mothers, this pose reduces obesity and is known to cure high blood pressure, insomnia and digestive disorders.

Steps to do the Paschimottanasana include:

  • Sit with a straight backbone, with legs stretched out in front. Flex your toes towards yourself.
    Take a deep breath and raise your hands over your head. Stretch in that position for 5 seconds.
  • Now, exhale while bending forward. Let your arms reach as further as they can. Your head must rest on your knees while your finger touches your toes. Don’t stretch beyond your comfort level.
  • Inhale while lifting your body to the previous position.
  • Repeat this a few times.

2. Cat/Cow Pose or Marjariasana

This pose helps alleviate stress and restore the calm of mind. It helps tone your abdomen getting rid of all the excess fat, and adds flexibility to the spine.

Steps to do this asana include:

  • Stand on all fours, like a table. Your back must form the tabletop with your hands & feet resembling its legs.
  • Place your hands flat on the floor, under your shoulders. Keep a little distance between your knees.
  • Inhale by tilting your head to look up. Drop down your navel as to form a downward arch raising your tailbone, to find the cat pose.
  • Now, exhale gradually while lifting your back, as to form an outer arch to find cow pose.
  • Drop your chin to your chest. Relax your buttocks.
  • Repeat this a few times.

3. Bow Pose or Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana is a great stress-buster. If you experience PMS symptoms and painful periods, regular practice of this asana may help you get rid of your menstrual discomforts.

Steps to do this asana include:

  • Lie down flat on your stomach.
  • Fold your knees above your hips and hold your ankles.
  • Inhale, pull your legs gently, lifting your chest and legs above the ground.
  • Hold the bow pose for 15 seconds, and focus on breathing.
  • Exhale, free your ankles and release the pose.
  • Repeat this for a few times.

4. The camel pose or Ustrasana

This asana, along with its great stress-relieving effects, strengthens your back and improves your posture. It also alleviates pain in the lower back and helps in menstrual discomfort.

Steps to do the asana include:

  • Kneel on the ground, with your legs hip-width apart. Place your hands on your hips.
  • Ensure that your shoulders and knees are in the same line.
  • Arch your back and slightly placing your fingers lightly over your heels.
  • Tilt your head backward, looking up.
  • Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.
  • Release.

5. The butterfly post or Baddha Konasana

This asana helps reduce fatigue and is a great stress reliever. It fosters blood circulation in the body and enhances the functioning of kidneys and the prostate gland. As it opens your inner thigh muscles and stretches your groin area, Baddha Konasana is recommended by gynecologists during pregnancy for a comfortable and smooth delivery.

Steps to do Baddha Konasana include:

  • Sit straight with a firm back. Bring your heels toward your pelvis area. Join the soles of your feet together so that your knees drop to the sides.
  • Bring your heels closest to your pelvis. Hold the thumbs of your feet pressing them against each other.
  • Your pubis and tailbone should be equidistant from the floor.
  • Don’t force your knees on the ground.
  • Hold the pose for 5 minutes and release.

6. Corpse pose or Shavasana

Shavasana pose relaxes the body, letting it go in a deep meditative state. It is often performed to conclude an intense yoga or workout session to replenish the lost energy. This asana possesses many cardiovascular benefits and keeps a check on your anxiety levels.

Steps to do this asana include:

  • Lie flat on your back on a hard surface, at a quiet place without much noise or disturbance.
  • Make sure you are comfortable.
  • Close your eyes, switching off any thoughts.
  • Keep your legs comfortably apart.
  • Take deep and long breaths. Don’t fall asleep in the process.
  • Stay in the position for 10-12 minutes.
  • Gain awareness of your surroundings for a while before you wake up, keeping your eyes closed. Get up to sit straight.


Yoga has countless benefits as it creates a perfect harmony between your body, mind, and soul. More than just a practice, Yoga should be a way of life. Restoring your inner peace, it can help you get in touch with your spiritual side and rediscover yourself.