Reduce Stress and Relax More with Aromatherapy

Got Stress? Aromatherapy Can Help

Everyday life can get extremely stressful. From long hours at the office, sitting in traffic or being late to pick the kids up from school after a mind-numbing meeting, but according to the strange and beautiful ways our bodies work, there are many ways to get rid of that built-up stress. One of the most effective of those ways to de-stress is aromatherapy. Unfortunately, along with the idea of aromatherapy often comes a few questions and confusion. It’s is quite simple.

What is Aromatherapy?

Through hundreds of years of traditional techniques and many modern methods, these rich smells are extracted naturally from flowers, plants, and herbs. Different scents trigger different receptors in the nose, sending those signals up to the olfactory system in your brain that controls smell – then to your brain’s limbic system. The limbic system is the part of the brain that controls emotion and emotional reactions to smell, taste, and sight. Where the physical response comes in is where from the limbic system, the receptors send the message of “relaxation” to the nervous system – relaxing your stress, decreasing your anxiety, and that, in turn, reduces tension in the muscle tissue.

These different smells are picked based on the specific ailment of the patient and then will often be vaporized into the closed atmosphere and then inhaled slowly through the nose. Some aromatherapy treatments are a simple topical application, usually done through a deep massage. The massage helps to absorb the oil by the skin and muscle tissue under it. The reason this is such an effective way to reduce stress is due to it targeting the physical and neurological side of what is causing your specific type of stress, all in one.

Top 7 Aromatherapy Scents

There are as many different treatments as there are smells around us, but there are a few good ones that stand out above the rest. Some scents have healing properties to more than one ailment at a time, whereas some spices, for instance, has only one or two different treatments. Some essential oils are not made to be anywhere near our lungs or our skin, therefore we have aromatherapists who have carefully picked out, tried and tested the following;

1. Lemon

The scent of lemon is well known to promote concentration, clarifies thinking, and is a powerful anti-depressant. Physically, the smell of lemon can drastically calm feelings of anxiety. It can also boost the immune system, fights colds, and sore throats due to its antibacterial properties.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is instrumental for majorly increasing and sustaining excellent memory retention and stimulates increased levels of cognitive function, in general. In addition to the tremendous mental benefits, this scent also increases energy levels and relieves the muscle tension that builds up around one’s shoulders and causes headaches and migraines. Rosemary can also be used to treat muscle cramps and aches. Do this by applying a topical treatment and massaging it into the affected muscle.

3. Cinnamon

Being a spice, Cinnamon doesn’t have many functions, but the ones it does can be very beneficial to many people. It is known to be a nervous system stimulant, often leaving one feeling revitalized and more energized. Cinnamon also promotes good concentration, focus, and combats general mental fatigue. All of which can be a beneficial treatment when going through a stressful time like school exams or a big promotion at work.

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is a commonly used scent to combat depression as it has potent uplifting properties, mentally and physically. It has been well known to promote feelings of confidence and positivity, as well as boost energy levels. Often used to treat patients with on-going problems with anxiety, depression, and self-image based insecurities.

5. Peppermint

As refreshing as peppermint smells and tastes, it leaves your mind feeling! This scent focusses mainly on mental aid more than physical. It stimulates cognitive function and stamina, increases energy levels, promotes exceptional concentration, and helps the brain think and focus clearly when problem-solving or studying.

6. Floral Scents

Flowery or floral, pleasant smells stimulate good sleep and combat nightmares and night terrors.

7. Lavender

Lavender can be very calming and helpful for emotional stress as it has a calming effect on the nervous system, also helping with letting go of built-up tension that causes headaches. Another strong anti-depressant scent due to its pleasant and light smell.

De-Stress With Aromatherapy

Some, of course, only use aromatherapy to get rid of stress as quickly and as effectively as possible. If you are one of those Fastlane life people, these are some of the essential oils you can find readily available at any pharmacy;

  • Lavender Oil
  • Ylang-Ylang Oil
  • Bergamot
  • Lemon
  • Rose
  • Vetiver
  • Chamomile

For the rest of you who like to treat yourself a bit now and then, spending the day off at an aromatherapy spa might just hit the spot to get your head back in the game and get rid of some of that long week’s stress. Mixing essential oils and finding uplifting new scents from home can become quite a rewarding hobby when one has many excellent options to pick from for a nice long soak in the tub. All of these exciting and rejuvenating scents are readily available at most pharmacies and stores specializing in aromatherapy.