Top 10 Home Remedies to Lessen Acne Scars

We often don’t take into consideration how much damage we cause to our skin when we sit in front of the mirror and squeeze our pimples. This action is a terrible habit for a lot of people nowadays as popping your pimples is what leads to acne scars. What you are doing is forcing a massive build up of dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess oil out of an already inflamed pore and breaking the follicle wall and tearing the skin, leaving a scar as any other skin wound would.

There are many different kinds of acne scars with their different tell-tale signs.

  • Ice-Pick Scars – Deep, narrow and pitted scars
  • Hypertrophic or Keloid Scars – Thick, lumpy scars
  • Boxcar Scars – Broad depressions with sharply defined edges.
  • Atrophic Scars – Flat, thin or depressed scars
  • Rolling Scars – Broad depressions with a sloping edge

In addition to there being many different types of acne scars, there is also the discoloration that goes with it. Those different spots also have their names and descriptions.

  • Erythema – Pink or purple patches
  • Pigmentation – Brown spots on the skin
  • Hypopigmentation – White spots on the skin

Top 10 Home Remedies to Diminish Acne Scars

Fear not, for all of these problems. There are many solutions. Most of them you can find right at home or in the garden. Some work better than others, but all of them will leave your skin looking and feeling more natural, radiant, and beautiful.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s acidity makes it a natural cleaning agent for your skin and your system inside and out. When mixed with honey and left on the scarred or affected area for 10 to 15 minutes, at least three times a day – it can have significant positive effects on lightening or removing scar tissue. Not only is this great for scar tissue problems, but apple cider vinegar can also be used to prevent pimples before they come to a head. Preventing pimples with ACV can be done by dipping and soaking a Q-tip in water diluted ACV and applying to the bump on your face.

2. Honey

Honey is beneficial for almost anything you need to be done, even getting rid of scar tissue. Since honey is a natural moisturizer, it takes care of your skin while it stimulates the regeneration of new tissue. If you can get a hold of raw honey, it will be more beneficial to lessening acne scars as it has unfiltered and unrefined nutrients that soak in and leaves your face feeling smooth and clear. The best way to do this is to mix cinnamon in with your raw honey. Then apply it like a facemask to your face.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera might be your most accessible and most straightforward option out of all. It’s such a powerful healing agent that it can be used just like that. It is as easy as breaking off a piece of the plant and rubbing it over the scarred area. The moisture in the plant will stimulate tissue growth and will lessen swelling and redness. That is why it is beneficial for burn wounds too and very often used to treat sunburn, of any degree.

4. Baking Soda

Now, this must seem very random when it comes to getting rid of blemishes of almost any kind. This home remedy is one of the best you can find around the house. The best thing about baking soda as a skin remedy is that it exfoliates and balances out your skin’s pH balance – this means that not only does it get rid of unwanted toxins, it also makes sure that your skin’s oil is kept under control, preventing you from having any future breakouts.

5. Lemon

When using lemon as a remedy for scar tissue, it is imperative to remember that lemon makes skin and hair susceptible to sunlight so exposing scar to the tissue to sunlight after using lemon as a remedy could be potentially counterproductive or even harmful to your skin and tissue. This exact attribute is what gives it all of its power – by letting it soak on your scars for 10 to 15 minutes. It will improve the discoloration caused by acne and revive the elasticity of your skin after damage.

6. Witch Hazel

When extracted, this bark can treat several skin conditions and, of course, treat acne and acne scars. Due to the tannins, it contains, it is a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It helps in getting rid of any toxic build ups of dead skin and oils becoming infected or inflamed and causing acne, just like it can effectively smooth over and clear skin in a short time. Boil it in a saucepan with some water for 15 minutes and then strain the water, separating it and letting it dry. Apply this to the affected area at least twice a day to see the best results.

7. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is known to be a very effective antioxidant, moisturizer, and for treating damaged tissue. These properties are what makes it a perfect candidate for acne scar treatment. Any scars, for that matter. This oil also evens out the color of your skin to lessen the appearances of scar tissue and blemishes. For best results, apply the oil directly to your skin without diluting it, repeat at least three times a day.

8. Potatoes

The high content of starch in potatoes can help lower the appearances of scar tissue and get the skin back to its original elasticity. You can use the potato in one of two ways.

  • Cut the potato in half and then rub it directly against your skin.
  • Grate the potato finely and then strain it through a piece of cheesecloth. Next, apply the potato juice to the scar tissue.

9. Turmeric

When made into a paste and used as a facemask, the healing properties of curcumin in the turmeric have been known to be most effective on skin problems and acne scars. One tablespoon of turmeric mixed with lemon juice is known to aid faster regeneration of the skin and the tissue under it.

10. Coconut Oil

As we know, coconut oil can be used to fix almost any problem under the sun, including lightning and lessening acne scars. The moisturizing properties of raw coconut oil can help repair and speed up the healing of your skin. Coconut oil can be applied directly without any additives; this way, it is best effective.