Top 10 Ways To Naturally Increase Serotonin Levels

Being able to increase serotonin, your “happy hormone,” naturally can save you thousands on expensive medication and external treatment. Of course, we know the basics of keeping ourselves happy and healthy. There are some things we do or eat that can influence our serotonin levels without us even realizing it. These lifestyle changes can benefit us greatly. Many people don’t have the time and suffer under the pressure of stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, taking the time to do things like exercise regularly, which is a brilliant way to get that hormone flowing!

Some foods also offer a great deal of help when it comes to increasing serotonin levels naturally. A balanced diet and regular exercise have no adverse or harmful side effects on the body, unlike chemical medications. Serotonin is such an important hormone to keep balanced and healthy. Without a proper release or production of serotonin, we can very quickly spiral into bad depression or not be able to deal with stressful situations. All of these things often snowball into more significant problems when they aren’t kept healthy and in check.

Top 10 Ideas To Easily Increase Serotonin Levels

1. Frequent Exercise

We are all well aware that exercise can instantly make you feel better about any emotional problem you might have. Physical activity also helps you clear your mind to think clearly.

How you might ask, well, it causes the brain to release a series of chemicals – serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The chemicals released by the brain in any exercise help stabilize your mood. They also regulate the body’s stress hormone, influencing how you deal with stress and everyday situations.

2. Eat Eggs

Just like with protein shakes before or after a work out session – eggs offer massive amounts of protein dramatically boost your blood plasma levels of a chemical called tryptophan. This compound, along with biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline, is majorly involved in the big release of serotonin. Bonus, eggs have superior antioxidant properties, so it is ultimately uplifting to your mind and your body.

3. Take St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort, or Hypericum Perforatum, is a natural remedy to treat mild depression and anxiety. This plant works by blocking off the deterioration of serotonin in the brain by working as a natural selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. This process keeps the levels of serotonin in your brain at a functional state.

4. Plenty of Sunlight

Our planet’s most significant source of energy provides the light that can offer you some good energy of your own. For many years people have attributed good moods to fresh air, and it is the absolute truth, merely going out into the sunlight can lighten your mood. The design of our retinas will allow the refraction of light in that it can trigger our brains to release serotonin. The instant chemical release improves our spirits. Going for a walk every morning can be somewhat of a battery charge for your body.

5. Consume Cheese

Cheese, like other dairy products, is very high in tryptophan. This compound, as mentioned before, is very beneficial to the stability of your serotonin levels as it controls the rate at which it breaks down in our brains after release. In addition to this, dairy products are very beneficial to gut health. If you have poor gut health, it can lead to a drop in serotonin and cause things like depression and extra stress.

6. Take Vitamin B

This vital vitamin is good for so many different bodily dysfunctions, whether it be mental or physical. It is a fact that taking vitamin B and vitamin B12 naturally lower the risk and lessen the effects of depression and stress. Individuals of really any age can take Vitamin B supplements. Vitamin B will stimulate the productions of serotonin as well as the regulation of the release of it. Being too happy can also have it’s downfalls because, for every up, there is a down. When your hormones stabilize, this won’t happen, and you’ll feel happy.

7. Promotion of Good Gut Health

Serotonin is produced in our brains as well as in our gut. By optimizing your diet with foods like yogurt, apples, and almost anything fermented, you can boost your body’s natural serotonin production. This hike will then fight symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, or insomnia. It is beneficial to keep in mind that everything in our bodies is connected. It is very often that you can fix or treat an ailment by treating a different part of the body if you know how!

8. Must-Have Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Another powerful natural supplement that helps boost our brain’s serotonin production by triggering the nerve cell receptors. This process makes the transportation of hormones through the body more comfortable, getting it to our minds faster, keeping us happy and our hormones stable. Adding foods like salmon or other cold-water fish to your diet will give you the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids your body needs to keep going.

9. Increase Your Magnesium Intake

By adding darker, leafy greens and fish to your diet, you will be able to increase your body’s magnesium levels, something widely neglected by most of the American population. Magnesium is a powerhouse for serotonin promotion and mental health in general as it regulates stress hormones and aids symptoms of insomnia. Taking care of insomnia before it gets to a chronic stage can also ensure the stability of your moods and prevent things like depression.

10. Positivity

Many studies have shown that merely having a positive mindset can improve and protect your brain’s serotonin production. There is no right or wrong way for each person to find their positivity. That’s up to you. One option is making a list of all your favorite things of the day and quietly reflecting on the right things currently in your life. Make sure you add it to your daily regime for best results.